Current Affairs GK Questions with Answer 1001

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1.Y K Alagh, who passed away recently, was associated with which profession?
[A] Economist
[B] Scientist
[C] Business-person
[D] Sports-person

Answer:  Option A

2.After the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) Meeting in December 2022, what is the repo rate?
[A] 5.5 %
[B] 6.25 %
[C] 6.50 %
[D] 6.95 %

Answer:  Option B

3.Which cyclone recently formed over Bay of Bengal, crossing the coasts of southern states
[A] Mandous
[B] Asani
[C] Mocha
[D] Sitrang

Answer:  Option A

4. Which country is the host of the Asia and the Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)?
[A] India
[B] Sri Lanka
[C] Thailand
[D] Singapore

Answer:  Option D

5.Which country is the host of the ‘12th World Hindi Conference’?
[A] Italy
[B] Germany
[C] UK
[D] Fiji

Answer:  Option D

6 .World Bank recently approved USD 250 million financing to which country to strengthen environment management?
[A] Pakistan
[B] Afghanistan
[C] Bangladesh
[D] India

Answer:  Option C

Current Affairs GK Questions with Answer 1001

7 .Which country is the largest trading partner of India after China and US, as of 2022?
[A] Australia
[C] United Kingdom
[D] Russia

Answer:  Option B

8.Which country abolished morality police known as the Gasht-e-Ershad or ‘Guidance Patrol’?
[B] Iran
[C] Iraq
[D] India

Answer:  Option B

9.Olivier Giroud, who was seen in the news, is a famous football player from which country?
[A] France
[B] Australia
[C] England
[D] India

Answer:  Option A

10. What is the GDP forecast for 2022-23 for India, as per the World Bank India Development Update?
[A] 7.2 %
[B] 7.5 %
[C] 8.1 %
[D] 6.9 %

Answer:  Option D