Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question Answers useful for upcoming Electrical Engineers Recruitment Online/ Offline Examinations

Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No. 1. The purpose of providing an iron core in a transformer is to
(a) provide support to windings
(b) reduce hysteresis loss
(c) decrease the reluctance of the magnetic path
(d) reduce eddy current losses
Answer: c
Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No. 2. Which of the following is not a part of transformer installation ?
(a) Conservator
(b) Breather
(c) Buchholz relay
(d) Exciter
Answer: d
Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No. 3. While conducting short-circuit test on a transformer the following side is short
(a) High voltage side
(b) Low voltage side
(c) Primary side
(d) Secondary side
Answer: b
Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No. 4. In the transformer following winding has got more cross-sectional area
(a) Low voltage winding
(b) High voltage winding
(c) Primary winding
(d) Secondary winding
Answer: a
Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No. 5. A transformer transforms
(a) voltage
(b) current
(c) power
(d) frequency
Answer: c
Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No. 6. A transformer cannot raise or lower the voltage of a D.C. supply because
(a) there is no need to change the D.C. voltage
(b) a D.C. circuit has more losses
(c) Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction are not valid since the rate of change of flux
is zero
(d) none of the above
Answer: c

Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question Answers- 21

Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No. 7. In a control system the output of the controller is given to
(a) final control element
(b) amplifier
(c) comparator
(d) sensor
(e) none of the above
Answer: a

Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No. 8. Which of the following is the input to a controller ?
(a) Servo signal
(b) Desired variable value
(c) Error signal
(d) Sensed signal
Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No. 9. The on-off controller is a _____ system.
(a) digital
(b) linear
(c) non-linear
(d) discontinuous

Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question Answers
Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No. 10. The capacitance, in force-current analogy, is analogous to
(a) momentum
(b) velocity
(c) displacement
(d) mass
Answer: d

Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No. 11. In electrical-pneumatic system analogy the current is considered analogous to
(a) velocity
(b) pressure
(c) air flow
(d) air flow rate
Answer: d

Electrical Engineering Free Multiple choice Question No.12. Which of the following faults is most likely to occur in cables ?
(a) Cross or short-circuit fault
(b) Open circuit fault
(c) Breakdown of cable insulation
(d) All of the above
Answer: d

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