Electrical Engineering questions and answers for competitive exams-2021

Referring Electrical Engineering questions and answers for competitive exams is important to get a job in Government Sector, The Online / Written Exam consist of Multiple choice Electrical Engineering Related questions. The following model questions helps you to gain knowledge.

Electrical Q #1. For testing appliances, the wattage of test lamp
should be
(a) very low
(b) low
(c) high
(d) any value
Ans: c

Electrical Engineering Solved Question Paper

Electrical Q #2. is usually used for brush rockers
(a) Mild steel
(b) Copper
(c) Aluminium
(d) Cast-iron
Ans: d

Electrical Q #3. The ratio of mass of proton to that of electron is
(a) 1840
(b) 1840
(c) 30
(d) 4
Ans: a

Electrical Engineering questions and answers for competitive exams

Electrical Q #4. Two resistors are said to be connected in series
(a) same current passes in turn through both
(b) both carry the same value of current
(c) total current equals the sum of branch currents
(d) sum of IR drops equals the applied e.m.f.
Ans: a

Electrical Q #5. The hot resistance of the bulb’s filament is higher
than its cold resistance because the temperature
co-efficient of the filament is
(a) zero
(b) negative
(c) positive
(d) about 2 ohms per degree
Ans: c

Electrical Q #6. Which ofthe following is an advantage of hydrogen cooling ?
(a) Increase in efficiency
(b) Increase in ratings
(c) Increase in life
(d) Smaller size of coolers
(e) All ofthe above
Ans: e

Electrical Engineering questions and answers for competitive exams
Electrical Q #7. Heat in a conductor is produced on the passage of
electric current due to
(a) reactance
(b) capacitance
(c) impedance
(d) resistance
Electrical Q #8. Which of the following statement is true both for a

series and a parallel D.C. circuit?
(a) Elements have individual currents
(b) Currents are additive
(c) Voltages are additive
(d) Power are additive
Ans: d

Electrical Engineering questions and answers for competitive exams

Electrical Q #9. The number of electrons in the outer most orbit
of carbon atom is
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 7
Ans: b

Electrical Engineering questions and answers for competitive exams

Electrical Q #10. The heat dissipated by from a surface depends upon its temperature and its
characteristics like colour, roughness etc.
(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) radiation
(d) any ofthe above
Ans: c

Electrical Engineering questions and answers for competitive exams
Electrical Q #11. Switching of a lamp in house produces noise in the
radio. This is because switching operation produces
(a) arcs across separating contacts
(b) mechanical noise of high intensity
(c) both mechanical noise and arc between contacts
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

Electrical Q #12. The heat dissipating capability of transformers of ratings higher than 30 kVA in
increased by providing which of the following ?
(a) Corrugations
(b) Fins
(c) Tubes
(d) Radiator tanks
(e) All of the above
Ans: e

Electrical Engineering questions and answers for competitive exams- 2021

Published by Sathish

Format: Txt

No. of Questions 12

Answers: Available below each question

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