Hospital jobs in Uttarakhand-322 Vacancies

Hospital jobs in Uttarakhand-322 Vacancies
Government of Uttarakhand
Invites applications for the post of Lab Technician,OT Technician,CSSD Technician,Radiotherapy Technician,ECG Technician,Audiometry Technician,Dental Technician,Physiotherapist,Occupational Therapist,Refractionist and Radio graphics Technician

Technician job description:

UKMSSB department under the Government of Uttarakhand recruiting Technician in the month of August 2021. They are 306 Technician vacancy. The application can apply online before 15/09/2021. The minimum qualification required for the Technician post is 12th passed along with Science and Degree/diploma in Lab Technician/ Technology/OT Technician/ Technology/ CSSD/Radiotherapy/ECG Technician/ Audiometry Technician/Dental Technician/Physiotherapy/ Occuphysiotherapy/ Refractionist/Optometry/Radiographics and The selection will be  based on Written Exam.

Post :Lab Technician,OT Technician,CSSD Technician,Radiotherapy Technician,ECG Technician,Audiometry Technician,Dental Technician,Physiotherapist,Occupational Therapist,Refractionist and Radio graphics Technician

Vacancy :