Ordinance Factory 87 Chemical Process Worker ITI Job Opportunities

Ordinance Factory 87 Chemical Process Worker ITI Job Opportunities
Ordinance Factory, has officially declared the notification for the posts of Chemical Process Worker Jobs. There are 87 posts released in the OFB Recruitment 2025. Candidates who completed their ITI can be eligible for Maharashtra Government Jobs in Ordinance Factory Jobs 2025. Eligible and interested candidates can apply before the last date of application.

Cochin University of Science and Technology Technician – Welder Job Opportunities 24,740 Salary

Cochin University of Science and Technology Technician – Welder Job Opportunities 24,740 Salary
Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) has published the latest job notification for the Technician Grade Jobs. Candidates who are qualified in ITI must utilize the advantage of the CUSAT Recruitment 2025. Qualified Candidates can apply online on or before the last date of 10th Feb 2025.

RRC, North Eastern Railway 1104 ITI Job Opportunities

RRC, North Eastern Railway 1104 ITI Job Opportunities
RRC, North Eastern Railway has given a Notification for the Recruitment of Act Apprentice vacancy for the year 2025-26 under the Apprentices Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

South Eastern Coalfields Limited 800 ITI Engineering and Graduate Job Opportunities

South Eastern Coalfields Limited 800 ITI Engineering and Graduate Job Opportunities
South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Apprentice Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

MPMRCL Diploma BE B.Tech Engineering ITI or Any Graduate Job Opportunities 20,000-1,10,000 Salary

MPMRCL Diploma BE B.Tech Engineering ITI or Any Graduate Job Opportunities 20,000-1,10,000 Salary
Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MPMRCL) has invited offline applications for the posts of Supervisor, Maintainer and Other Jobs. These 28 vacancies were released by the MPMRCL Recruitment 2025 notification. Candidates are waiting for the Madhya Pradesh Government Jobs. Interested candidates can apply offline for MPMRCL Jobs 2025 on or before the last date of application.

DBSKKV 249 Junior Engineer,Electrician,Senior Clerk,Senior Laboratory Technician and Other Job Opportunities

DBSKKV 249 Junior Engineer,Electrician,Senior Clerk,Senior Laboratory Technician and Other Job Opportunities
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (DBSKKV) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Clerk, Driver & Other Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply.

NIIST Technical Assistant,Technician,Junior Stenographer,Junior Secretariat Assistant,Junior Hindi Translator Job Opportunities 19,900-112400 Salary

NIIST Technical Assistant,Technician,Junior Stenographer,Junior Secretariat Assistant,Junior Hindi Translator Job Opportunities 19,900-112400 Salary
The National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology has released the official notification to fill up the positions of Technical Assistant and Other Jobs for 20 vacancies. Candidates should possess a 10th, B.Sc, Diploma, 12th, ITI or Post Graduation. These candidates are eligible to apply for NIIST Recritment 2025.

IOCL 246 Junior Operator,Junior Attendant,Junior Business Assistant – ITI,12th Pass or Any Graduation Job Opportunities 23,000-1,05,000 Salary

IOCL 246 Junior Operator,Junior Attendant,Junior Business Assistant – ITI,12th Pass or Any Graduation Job Opportunities 23,000-1,05,000 Salary
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Jr Operator, Jr Attendant, and Jr Business Assistant Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

SJVN 300 ITI Diploma or Graduate Engineering Job Opportunities

SJVN 300 ITI Diploma or Graduate Engineering Job Opportunities
Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN) Limited has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Apprentices Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

HCL 103 Diploma ITI Electrical or BA B.Sc B.Com BBA Job Opportunities 28280-72110 Salary

HCL 103 Diploma ITI Electrical or BA B.Sc B.Com BBA Job Opportunities 28280-72110 Salary
Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) has given a Notification for the recruitment of Chargeman, Electrician & Other Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

IOCL 456 ITI Diploma Engineering,Any Graduate,12th Pass Job Opportunities

IOCL 456 ITI Diploma Engineering,Any Graduate,12th Pass Job Opportunities
 Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Trade/Technician/Graduate Apprentice Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

Railway Recruitment 32438 Job Vacancies 2025

RRB 32438 Group D Vacancies
The Railway Recruitment Board has announced the job notification for the post of Group D Jobs for 32,438 vacancies. Candidates who are qualified with 10th, ITI or 12th should visit the official website and apply online on or before the last date of the application. Candidates can easily apply for the RRB Recruitment. 

RRC, North Central Railway 41 Sports Quota 10th Pass or ITI Job Opportunities

RRC, North Central Railway 41 Sports Quota 10th Pass or ITI Job Opportunities
Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC), North Central Railway has given an employment  notification for the recruitment of Sports Quota Vacancy. Eligible Candidates who are interested in the Vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the notification & Apply Online.

IOCL 200 Diploma Engineering ITI and Graduate Job Opportunities

IOCL 200 Diploma Engineering ITI and Graduate Job Opportunities
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Trade/Technician/Graduate Apprentice Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

IOCL 313 Diploma Mechanical,Electrical,Instrumentation,Civil,Electrical and Electronics Engineering,ITI,12th,Any Graduate Job Opportunities

IOCL 313 Diploma Mechanical,Electrical,Instrumentation,Civil,Electrical and Electronics Engineering,ITI,12th,Any Graduate Job Opportunities
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Trade/Technician/Graduate Apprentice Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

RMC 825 ITI Job Opportunities

RMC 825 ITI Job Opportunities
Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Apprentice Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

RRC South Central Railway 61 10th Pass, 12th or ITI Job Opportunities

RRC South Central Railway 61 10th Pass, 12th or ITI Job Opportunities
South Central Railway has published the latest job notification for 61 Group C/Group D Jobs. Aspirants who have qualified in 10th Pass, 12th, or ITI are eligible to apply for the Posts. Qualified Candidates can apply online for the South Central Railway Recruitment 2025. More details like educational qualification, pay scale, age limit, selection process, application fee, how to apply, and application dates are given below.

IIT Delhi BE B.Tech or Diploma Civil Engineering or ITI Job Opportunities 47,790-62,350 Salary

IIT Delhi BE B.Tech or Diploma Civil Engineering or ITI Job Opportunities 47,790-62,350 Salary
If you’re interested in working with IIT Delhi, there are currently 01 job openings for the positions of Senior Project Assistant Posts. You can apply for these jobs by visiting the official website of IIT Delhi. Make sure to check the IIT Delhi Recruitment eligibility criteria and required qualifications before applying.

Vizag Port Trust 20 ITI Trade Apprentice Job Vacancies

Vizag Port Trust 20 ITI Trade Apprentice Job Vacancies
Vizag Port Trust has invited applications for Trade Apprentice Jobs for 20 vacancies. The Vizag Port Trust Recruitment 2024 started the application dates through online mode. Eligible and interested candidates can submit the application form for Andhra Pradesh Government Jobs before the last date of application.

THDC 100 BE B.Tech Diploma Engineering and ITI Job Opportunities

THDC 100 BE B.Tech Diploma Engineering and ITI Job Opportunities
Tehri Hydro Development Corporation Limited (THDC) has published the latest job notification for the post of Apprentice with 100 Vacancies. Aspirants who have to possess a Diploma, B.E/ B.Tech in Electrical, IT, CSE, Instrumentation, ECE, Civil and Mechanical Engineering must grab the chance of the THDC Limited Recruitment 2024.

IRCTC 10th pass and ITI Computer Operator and Programming Assistant Jobs

IRCTC 10th pass and ITI Computer Operator and Programming Assistant Jobs
Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Limited (IRCTC) has Given an Employment Notification for the Recruitment of Apprentice Trainee (Computer Operator & Programming Asst) Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

UCSL ITI Diesel Mechanics,Bench Fitters,Instrument Mechanics,Electrician,Welder and Plumber Job Recruitment – 2025

UCSL ITI Diesel Mechanics,Bench Fitters,Instrument Mechanics,Electrician,Welder and Plumber Job Recruitment – 2025
Udupi Cochin Shipyard Limited (UCSL) has released the latest job notification for the post of  Trade Apprentice Jobs with 12 Vacancies. Aspirants who have a qualified ITI must grab the chance of the UCSL Recruitment 2025. Eligible and Interested Candidates can apply online before the last date of the application.

DRDO ITI Fitter,Turner,Machinist,Carpenter,Welder,Electrician, Diesel Mechanic,Electronics Mechanic,Attendant Operator Chemical Plant,Painter,COPA,Foundryman and Book Binder Jobs – 2025

DRDO ITI Fitter,Turner,Machinist,Carpenter,Welder,Electrician, Diesel Mechanic,Electronics Mechanic,Attendant Operator Chemical Plant,Painter,COPA,Foundryman and Book Binder Jobs – 2025
Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO)– Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL) has invites an application for the recruitment of ITI Apprentices Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

10th pass and ITI Jobs in THDC India Ltd

10th pass and ITI Jobs in THDC India Ltd
Tehri Hydro Development Corporation India Limited (THDC) Tehri and Koteshwar has given an employment Notification for the Recruitment of Computer Operator, Programming Assistant and Other Posts Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply.

HCSL Operator and Welder Cum Fitter Job Opportunities 21,300-69,840 Salary

HCSL Operator and Welder Cum Fitter Job Opportunities 21,300-69,840 Salary
Hooghly Cochin Ship Yard Limited has announced the official job notification to fill up the vacancies of 05 Operator, Welder and Fitter Jobs for those candidates who are qualified with a 10th, and ITI and are eligible to apply for the HCSL Recruitment for 2025. Desirable candidates should visit the official website and apply online for the above posts. The application process has already started. The last date to apply online. Candidates should visit the official notification and check the eligibility criteria before applying online. 

MSEDCL 200 Electrical Technician and Wiring Technician Job Opportunities

MSEDCL 200 Electrical Technician and Wiring Technician Job Opportunities
The Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Corporation Limited has released the notification for the vacancies of 200 Technician. Interested candidates can visit the official website and apply online for the MSEDCL Recruitment for 2025. Candidates are eligible for those who are qualified with a 10th, and ITI in the respective field. Candidates must check the official notification before applying online. 

NIT 10+2 Pass, ITI or Diploma Electrical Engineering Job Opportunities 33,000 Salary

NIT 10+2 Pass, ITI or Diploma Electrical Engineering Job Opportunities 33,000 Salary
National Institute of Technology, Goa (NIT) has released the latest job notification for the 01 Field Technician Vacancy. Aspirants who have qualified in 10th Pass, 12th, ITI or Diploma are eligible to apply for the Post. Eligible Candidates can apply online for the NIT Goa Recruitment.

OFB 149 Danger Building Worker ITI Job Opportunities

OFB 149 Danger Building Worker ITI Job Opportunities
Ordinance Factory, has officially declared the notification for the posts of Danger Building Worker Jobs. There are 149 posts released in the OFB Recruitment 2025. Candidates who completed their ITI can be eligible for Maharashtra Government Jobs in Ordinance Factory Jobs 2025. Eligible and interested candidates can apply before the last date of application.

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ITI Tradesman Trainee Jobs

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ITI Tradesman Trainee Jobs
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research has recently published the official notification for the position of Tradesman Trainee Jobs. They are accepting the application forms with the qualification of an ITI. Those who are looking to join with TIFR, can grab this opportunity and apply offline at the official website for the TIFR Recruitment for 2024. Aspirants should apply offline on or before the last date of the application.

NALCO 518 Non-Executive job Opportunities

NALCO 518 Non-Executive job Opportunities
National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) has given a notification for the recruitment of Non-Executive vacancies. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

NPCIL 284 BE B.tech or Diploma Engineering,ITI and BA B.Com B.sc Job Opportunities

NPCIL 284 BE B.tech or Diploma Engineering,ITI and BA B.Com B.sc Job Opportunities
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) has introduced the latest job notification for the position of Apprentice Jobs with 284 Vacancies. Aspirants who have to possess an ITI, Diploma or BE/B.Tech are eligible to apply for the Post. Eligible Candidates can apply online.