NCPOR 68K Salary Vehicle Mechanic or Vehicle Electrician or Operator Excavating Machine Dozers Excavators or Station Electrician or Generator Mechanic or Operator or Welder or Boiler Operator and Mechanic or Plumber or Fitter or Carpenter or Technical Assistant or Lab Technician or Radio or Wireless Operator Job Vacancies

NCPOR 68K Salary Vehicle Mechanic or Vehicle Electrician or Operator Excavating Machine Dozers Excavators or Station Electrician or Generator Mechanic or Operator or Welder or Boiler Operator and Mechanic or Plumber or Fitter or Carpenter or Technical Assistant or Lab Technician or Radio or Wireless Operator Job Vacancies

National Center for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR)
Government of India
Advt No: NCPOR/09/22
Invites applications for the post of Vehicle Mechanic/Vehicle Electrician/Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators)/Station Electrician/Generator Mechanic/ Operator/Welder/Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter/Carpenter/Technical Assistant/Lab Technician/Radio/ Wireless Operator

Vehicle Mechanic/Vehicle Electrician/Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators)/Station Electrician/Generator Mechanic/ Operator/Welder/Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter/Carpenter/Technical Assistant/Lab Technician/Radio/ Wireless Operator Job description:

National Center for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR) Department under Government of India  recruiting Vehicle Mechanic/Vehicle Electrician/Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators)/Station Electrician/Generator Mechanic/ Operator/Welder/Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter/Carpenter/Technical Assistant/Lab Technician/Radio/ Wireless Operator in the month of June 2022. They are 20 Vehicle Mechanic/Vehicle Electrician/Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators)/Station Electrician/Generator Mechanic/ Operator/Welder/Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter/Carpenter/Technical Assistant/Lab Technician/Radio/ Wireless Operator Vacancy.The interview will be conducted on 19/07/2022,20/07/2022 and 21/07/2022. The minimum qualification required for the Vehicle Mechanic/Vehicle Electrician/Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators)/Station Electrician/Generator Mechanic/ Operator/Welder/Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter/Carpenter/Technical Assistant/Lab Technician/Radio/ Wireless Operator post is ITI Pass/ Diploma in Engineering  and The Selection will be based on Walk-in-Interview.

Post:Vehicle Mechanic/Vehicle Electrician/Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators)/Station Electrician/Generator Mechanic/ Operator/Welder/Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter/Carpenter/Technical Assistant/Lab Technician/Radio/ Wireless Operator

Vacancy :Vehicle Mechanic03

Vehicle Electrician 03

Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators) 01

Station Electrician01

Generator Mechanic/ Operator 01

Welder 02

Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter 01

Carpenter 02

Technical Assistant 01

Lab Technician02

Radio/ Wireless Operator03

Age :21 years to 45 years

Pay scale :Rs.51657/- to Rs.68876/- per month.
NCPOR 68K Salary Vehicle Mechanic or Vehicle Electrician or Operator Excavating Machine Dozers Excavators or Station Electrician or Generator Mechanic or Operator or Welder or Boiler Operator and Mechanic or Plumber or Fitter or Carpenter or Technical Assistant or Lab Technician or Radio or Wireless Operator Job Vacancies

Vehicle Mechanic/Vehicle Electrician/Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators)/Station Electrician/Generator Mechanic/ Operator/Welder/Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter/Carpenter/Technical Assistant/Lab Technician/Radio/ Wireless Operator Qualification & experience :

ITI Pass/ Diploma in Engineering/Diploma in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Instrumentation/ Electronics Engineering/ Degree.

Vehicle Mechanic/Vehicle Electrician/Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators)/Station Electrician/Generator Mechanic/ Operator/Welder/Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter/Carpenter/Technical Assistant/Lab Technician/Radio/ Wireless Operator Selection Process :  

The Selection will be based on  Walk-in-Interview.
Note : Eligible candidates may attend the walk-in-interview process with their CV/ Resume and other self-attached and original copies of relevant documents to the Venue stated below.
Venue: Prithvi Bhavan, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003.

Important Dates for Vehicle Mechanic/Vehicle Electrician/Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators)/Station Electrician/Generator Mechanic/ Operator/Welder/Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter/Carpenter/Technical Assistant/Lab Technician/Radio/ Wireless Operator Recruitment:   

Date of walk in interview :
Vehicle Mechanic, Vehicle Electrician, Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators), Crane Operator, Station Electrician 19th July 2022 from 09:00 – 11:00
Generator Mechanic/ Operator, Welder, Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter, Carpenter, Technical Assistant 20th July 2022 from 09:00 – 11:00
Lab Technician, Radio/ Wireless Operator 21st July 2022 from 09:00 – 11:00

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