DHA Exam sample questions for nurses pdf

DHA exam sample questions for nurses pdf- 2021

Recently DHA Questions Published -2021 – Question No. 1201 to 1210

Nurses DHA Question No 1601. During a prenatal visit at 20 weeks’ gestation, a pregnant client asks whether tests can be done to identify fetal abnormalities. Between 18 and 40 weeks’ gestation, which procedure is used to detect fetal anomalies?

A. Amniocentesis

B. Chorionic villi sampling

C. Fetoscopy

D. Ultrasound

Rationale:  Ultrasound is used between 18 and 40 weeks’ gestation to identify normal fetal growth and detect fetal anomalies and other problems. Amniocentesis is done during the third trimester to determine fetal lung maturity. Chorionic villi sampling is performed at 8 to 12 weeks’ gestation to detect genetic disease. Fetoscopy is done at approximately 18 weeks’ gestation to observe the fetus directly and obtain a skin or blood sample

Nurses DHA Question No 1602. During routine preconception counseling, a client asks how early a pregnancy can be diagnosed. What is the nurse’s best response?

A.”8 days after conception”

B.”When the woman misses a menstrual


C.”2 to 3 weeks after fertilization”

D.”As soon as hormone levels decline”

Rationale:  Based on human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels in the blood and urine, pregnancy can be diagnosed as early as 8 days after conception, when the syncytiotrophoblast produces hCG. Sensitive and specific pregnancy tests can detect hCG in the blood and urine even before the first missed menstrual period. A missed period may also be related to other factors, such as poor nutrition, strenuous athletic activity, and certain drugs. Levels of hCG rise rapidly until about the 20th week of gestation. By the 20th week, they decline gradually and stay low for the remainder of gestation. Other hormones, such as human placental lactogen, estrogen, and progesterone, increase during pregnancy.

Nurses DHA Question No 1603. A client who’s 12 weeks pregnant attends a class on fetal development as part of a childbirth education program. The nurse anticipates that at 16 weeks’ gestation, the client’s fetus will:

A.be able to suck and swallow

B.open the eyes.

C.have audible heart sounds.

D.have open nostrils.

Rationale:  Fetal heart tones are usually audible with a fetoscope between 16 and 20 weeks’ gestation. The fetus can suck and swallow at about 20 weeks’ gestation. The eyes are open at approximately 28 weeks’ gestation. The nostrils are open at about 21 to 28 weeks’ gestation.

Solved Questions for Nurses

Nurses DHA Question No 1604. During a health-teaching session, a pregnant client asks the nurse how soon the fertilized ovum becomes implanted in the endometrium. Which answer should the nurse supply?

A.7 days after fertilization

B.14 days after fertilization

C.21 days after fertilization

D.28 days after fertilization

Rationale:  Implantation occurs at the end of the 1st week after fertilization, when the blastocyst attaches to the endometrium. During the 2nd week (14 days after implantation), implantation progresses and two germ layers, cavities, and cell layers develop. During the 3rd week of development (21 days after implantation), the embryonic disk evolves into three layers, and three new structures – the primitive streak, notochord, and allantois – form. Early during the 4th week (28 days after implantation), cellular differentiation and organization occur.

DHA Exam sample questions for nurses pdf
DHA Exam sample questions for nurses pdf

Nurses DHA Question No 1605.


As a client progresses through pregnancy, she develops constipation. What is the primary cause of this problem during pregnancy?

A.Decreased appetite

B.Inadequate fluid intake

C.Prolonged gastric emptying

D.Reduced intestinal motility

Rationale:  During pregnancy, hormonal changes and mechanical pressure reduce motility in the small intestine, enhancing water absorption and promoting constipation. Although decreased appetite, inadequate fluid intake, and prolonged gastric emptying may contribute to constipation, they aren’t the primary cause.

Nurses DHA Question No 1606. The nurse is planning care for a 16-year-old client in the prenatal clinic. Adolescents are prone to which complication during pregnancy?

A.Iron deficiency anemia


C.Nausea and vomiting

D.Gestational diabetes

Rationale:  Iron deficiency anemia is a common complication of adolescent pregnancies. Adolescent girls may already be anemic. The need for iron during pregnancy, for fetal growth and an increased blood supply, compounds the anemia even further. Varicosities are a complication of pregnancy more likely seen in women over age 35. An adolescent pregnancy doesn’t increase the risk of nausea and vomiting or gestational diabetes.

MOH/DHA Question Answers for Nurses

Nurses DHA Question No 1607. The nurse is caring for a client in her 34th week of pregnancy who wears an external monitor. Which statement by the client would indicate an understanding of the nurse’s teaching?

A.”I’ll need to lie perfectly still.”

B.”You won’t need to come in and check on me while I’m wearing this monitor.”

C.”I can lie in any comfortable position, but I should stay off my back.”

D.”I know that the external monitor increases my risk of a uterine infection.”

Rationale:  A woman with an external monitor should lie in the position that is most comfortable to her, although the supine position should be discouraged. A woman should be encouraged to change her position as often as necessary; however, the monitor may need to be repositioned after a position change. The nurse still needs to frequently assess and provide emotional support to a woman in labor who’s wearing an external monitor. Because an external monitor isn’t invasive and is worn around the abdomen, it doesn’t increase the risk of uterine infection.

Nurses DHA Question No 1608. The nurse obtains the antepartum history of a client who’s 6 weeks pregnant. Which finding should the nurse discuss with the client first?

A.Her participation in low-impact aerobics three times per week

B. Her consumption of six to eight cans of beer on weekends

C. Her consumption of four to six small meals daily

D. Her practice of taking a multivitamin supplement daily

Rationale:  Consuming any amount or type of alcohol isn’t recommended during pregnancy because it increases the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome or fetal alcohol effect. If the client is accustomed to moderate exercise, she may continue to engage in low-impact aerobics during pregnancy. Eating frequent, small meals helps maintain the client’s energy level by keeping the blood glucose level relatively constant. Taking a multivitamin supplement daily and eating a balanced diet are recommended during pregnancy.

Nurses DHA Question No 1609. Which of the following functions would the nurse expect to be unrelated to the placenta?

A.Production of estrogen and progesterone

B. Detoxification of some drugs and chemicals

C. Exchange site for food, gases, and waste

D. Production of maternal antibodies

Rationale:  Fetal immunities are transferred through the placenta, but the maternal immune system is actually suppressed during pregnancy to prevent maternal rejection of the fetus, which the mother’s body considers a foreign protein. Thus, the placenta isn’t responsible for the production of maternal antibodies. The placenta produces estrogen and progesterone, detoxifies some drugs and chemicals, and exchanges nutrients and electrolytes.

Nurses DHA Question No 1610.


A pregnant client asks how she can best prepare her 3-year-old son for the upcoming birth of a sibling. The nurse should make which suggestion?

A.”Tell your son about the childbirth about 1 month before your due date.”

B.”Reassure your son that nothing is going to change.”

C.”Reprimand your son if he displays immature behavior.”

D.”Involve your son in planning and preparing for a sibling.”

DHA exam sample questions for nurses pdf

Nurses DHA Question No 1611. The nurse is caring for a client whose membranes ruptured prematurely 12 hours ago. When assessing this client, the nurse’s highest priority is to evaluate:

A. cervical effacement and dilation.

B. maternal vital signs and FHR.

C.frequency and duration of contractions.

D.white blood cell (WBC) count.

Rationale:  After premature rupture of the membranes (PROM), monitoring maternal vital signs and FHR takes priority. Maternal vital signs, especially temperature and pulse, may suggest maternal infection caused by PROM. FHR is the most accurate indicator of fetal status after PROM and may suggest sepsis caused by ascending pathogens. Assessing cervical effacement and dilation should be avoided in this client because it requires a pelvic examination, which may introduce pathogens into the birth canal. Evaluating the frequency and duration of contractions doesn’t provide insight into fetal status. The WBC count may suggest maternal infection; however, it can’t be measured as often as maternal vital signs and FHR can and therefore provides less current information.

Nurses DHA Question No 1612. A client is expecting her second child in 6 months. During the psychosocial assessment, she says, “I’ve been through this before. Why are you asking me these questions?” What is the nurse’s best response?

A.”Each pregnancy has a unique psychosocial meaning.”

B.”The facility requires these answers of all pregnant clients.”

C.”A second pregnancy may require more psychosocial adjustment.”

D.”A client can develop couvade with any pregnancy.”

Rationale:  With each pregnancy, a woman explores a new aspect of the mother role and must reformulate her self-image as a pregnant woman and a mother. The other options don’t address the client’s feelings. No evidence suggests that a second pregnancy requires more adjustment. Couvade symptoms occur in the father, not the mother.

Nurses DHA Question No 1613. The nurse is caring for a 16-year-old pregnant client. The client is taking an iron supplement. What should this client drink to increase the absorption of iron?

A.A glass of milk

B.A cup of hot tea

C.A liquid antacid

D.A glass of orange juice

Rationale:  Increasing vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron supplements. Taking an iron supplement with milk, tea, or an antacid reduces the absorption of iron.

Nurses DHA Question No 1614.

A client, age 39, visits the nurse practitioner for a regular prenatal check-up. She’s 32 weeks pregnant. When assessing her, the nurse should stay especially alert for signs and symptoms of:

A. pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH).

B.iron deficiency anemia.

C.  cephalopelvic disproportion.

D.sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Rationale:  Mature pregnant clients are at increased risk for PIH and are more likely to require cesarean delivery. Also, their fetuses and neonates have a higher mortality and a higher incidence of trisomies. Iron deficiency anemia, cephalopelvic disproportion, and STDs may occur in any client regardless of age.

Nurses DHA Question No 1615:  A client in the first trimester of pregnancy joins a childbirth education class. During this trimester, the class is most likely to cover which physiologic aspect of pregnancy?

A. Signs and symptoms of labor

B.Quickening and fetal movements

C. Warning signs of complications

D. False labor and true labor

Rationale:  In early childbirth education classes, instruction on the physiologic aspects of pregnancy may include warning signs of complications,

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