Content writing as a Business

By writing content on your own Website/ Blog attract viewers and increased traffic to your website helps to gain money on daily basis. Many Graduates/ PUC passed candidates writing contents and attracting viewers to their own site.

Content Writing

The Website content writers must write contents related to the main heading/ Website header. When the content is new and related to the main website/page will be attracted by Google Search. Improved SEO may helps to gain more traffic to your site.

Earnings from Website Business- Content Writing

You can Earn money by placing ads on your website pages and in article ads between your content. when there is more traffic to your site/ your site is attracting more visitors means you are gaining more money.

Who will pay money for your Content

Content writers no need to begg money from any companies. Just place adsense ads/ any other ad serving compnay ads between your post, Page views Page RPM, Impressions, Impression RPM, Active View Viewable, Clicks may calculate your daily earnings. The main thing to increase your earning is by increasing your pageviews.
Content writing as a Business

How to gain Traffic:

Increased traffic is not a easy task. if your content is relevant to your site and original then it will be available in google search too. Webmaster tools help you in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). You can also attract visitors by posting on you Facebook Page.

Facebook Page – Increase Traffic

Create your own page with page Name related to your content in the website. Invite your friends to like/ follow your page. You can share your page posts upto 3 Groups to gain more traffic.

How much can you Earn?

You can earn unlimited money, which depends on your content on your website. You can earn $100-$5000 / Month Approx if your site is having 1lakh Page views to 5M Page views per month.

Content writing as a Part time Job

You can continue you present job and do content writing as a part time Job. During your free time you can write content related to your website. This job is not like Online Data Entry

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