SAI 45000 Salary Masters Degree Arts or Science or BE BTech or PG Diploma Management or MBBS or LLB or CA or ICWA Job opportunities

SAI 45000 Salary Masters Degree Arts or Science or BE BTech or PG Diploma Management or MBBS or LLB or CA or ICWA Job opportunities

Sports Authority of India (SAI)
Government of India
Invites applications for the post of Young Professional

Young Professional Job description:

Sports Authority of India (SAI) Department under Government of India recruiting Young Professional in the month of September 2022. They are 05 Young Professional Vacancy.The application can submit before 20/09/2022. The minimum qualification required for the Young Professional post is  Master’s Degree in Arts/Science or BE/B.Tech/PG Diploma in Management or MBBS or LLB or CA or ICWA  and The Selection will be based on Interview.

Post: Young Professional

Vacancy :05

Age :35 Years

Pay scale :Rs. 45,000/- per month
SAI 45000 Salary Masters Degree Arts or Science or BE BTech or PG Diploma Management or MBBS or LLB or CA or ICWA Job opportunities

Young Professional Qualification & experience :

Master’s Degree in Arts/Science or BE/B.Tech or 02 Years PG Diploma in Management or MBBS or LLB or CA or ICWA or Possessing any professional degree earned after a study of 04 years or more acquired after 10+2.

Young Professional Selection Process :  

The Selection will be based on Interview.
How to Apply:The candidate is required to post the physical copies of the documents at the below
mentioned address. The candidate must ensure that the application with all requisite documents reach
the address within the period of application.Any delay attributable to delivery of the application/documents shall not be considered if received after the closing period of submission. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
 The Principal
 Sports Authority of India-LNCPE
 Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education
 Kariavattam P.O
 Thiruvananthapuram – 695581
 Kerala, India

Important Dates for SAI 45000 Salary Masters Degree Arts or Science or BE BTech or PG Diploma Management or MBBS or LLB or CA or ICWA Job opportunities:

Starting date for submission of application  06 September 2022
Last date for submission of application  20 September 2022

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SAI 45000 Salary Masters Degree Arts or Science or BE BTech or PG Diploma Management or MBBS or LLB or CA or ICWA Job opportunities