Nursing Jobs with 25140-73270 Pay Scale

Nursing Jobs with 25140-73270 Pay Scale

SECUNDERABAD CANTONMENT BOARD Invites applications for the post of Nurse

Post:  Nurse

Pay Scale:

Rs 25,140- 73,270 Monthly pay scale

Educational Qualifications:

B.Sc (Nursing) or 03 years in General Nursing and Midwifery Course passed from recognized college approved by Nursing Council of India. Nursing Candidates must be registered as Nurse/Midwife with Central/State Nursing Councils.

Nursing Jobs with 25140-73270 Pay Scale


One year experience as a Staff Nurse in any recognized Hospital.

Admit-Card / Call letter for Online Test: –

Applications will be scrutinized and only eligible candidates would be intimated online at website/portal about the date, time and venue for conduct of Test. Further, the admit card will be generated online for eligible Candidates, which can be downloaded by the candidates. Candidates are required to visit our website/portal regularly to check any information or any amendments or updates regarding said recruitment and time schedule for online test.

Syllabus of the examination for Nurses Recruitment: –

i) General intelligence and reasoning will include both verbal and non-verbal reasoning. ii) General awareness will include history, culture, geography, economic science, General polity, Indian Constitution, current affairs etc. iii) Numerical aptitude will test the knowledge of arithmetical concepts and their use in finding the solution of real-life problems. iv) English Comprehension will test the candidate’s ability to understand correct English, has basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. v) Civil Engineering includes Surveying, construction Materials & Practice, Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials Hydraulics, Quantity Surveying, Design of Structures (RCC and Steel),Irrigation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, GIS, etc. vi) Biological Science includes Microbial diversity Cryptogams and Gymnosperms, Anatomy, Embryology, Taxonomy and Medicinal Botany, Plant Physiology, Genetics, Tissue, Culture and Biotechnology, Non chordate and chordate, Cell biology, Embryology, Animal Physiology, Ecology, Evolution, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Clinical Science, Animal Biotechnology, etc. SI training Course includes Biological Science, Public health administration, National health programs and communicable diseases etc. vii) Medical concepts include Anatomy, Pathology, O & G, Medicine, Physiology, Ophthalmology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology, FMT, Skin & VD, Radio Diagnosis, Dental, ENT, pediatrics, Orthopedics, Community Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry, Anaesthesiology, etc. viii) Pharmacy includes Introduction to Pharmacopoeias, Metrology & Posology-Calculations of doses on the basis of age, Manufacturing and evaluation various dosage forms, Study of Immunity & Immunological products, Anatomy and Physiology, The concept of health, Concept of disease, etc. ix) General Nursing includes Professional, Fundamental Nursing, Community Nursing, Anatomy, Physiology, Basic Pharmacy, Ophthalmology, ENT, General Surgery, Orthopedic Medicine, Midwifery and Gynec, etc.

Application Fee

1 GEN 500 2

OBC 500

3 SC/ST/ PWD /Ex-Service men/ Departmental Candidates 200

Application mode:

Online From 01.08.2021 to 21.08.2021

Open Official Notification

Open Online  Application Form

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