NIRT BE BTech Diploma Electrical Mechanical Engineering B.Pharm B.V.Sc and DMLT Job Opportunities Upto 1Lakh Salary

NIRT BE BTech Diploma Electrical Mechanical Engineering B.Pharm B.V.Sc and DMLT Job Opportunities Upto 1Lakh Salary

National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT)
Government of India
Advt No.ICMR-NIRT/Tech.Recruit/01/2023
Invites applications for the post of Technical Assistant

Technical Assistant job description:

National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT) has published the latest 73 Technical Assistant, Laboratory Attendant Vacancies. Aspirants who have a qualified 10th Pass, ITI Pass, B.E/ B.Tech/ Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical Engineering, B.Pharm/ B.V.Sc, and DMLT are eligible to apply. Eligible Candidates can apply online from 26th September 2023 to 15th October 2023. Interested Candidates can check more details like educational qualification, pay scale, age limit, selection process, application fee, how to apply, and important dates mentioned below. For more details, aspirants must visit the official website of NIRT Jobs 2023.

Post:Technical Assistant

Vacancy : 60
Age :30 years
Pay scale :Level 6 Rs.35400 – 112400/-
NIRT BE BTech Diploma Electrical Mechanical Engineering B.Pharm B.V.Sc and DMLT Job Opportunities Upto 1Lakh Salary

Technical Assistant Qualification & experience :

Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Medical Lab Technology : 1st class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Medical Lab Technology from a recognized university.
Biochemistry/ Clinical Pharmacology :1st class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemistry / Medical Biochemistry / Pharmacology / Medical Pharmacology / Clinical Pharmacology / Biomedical Sciences/ Medical Laboratory Technology from a recognized university.
Bio-Informatics :1st class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Bioinformatics / Life Sciences from a recognized university. or 1st class Engineering / Technology degree in Bioinformatics / Biotechnology from a recognized university.
Biomedical Engineer / Instrumentation Engineer :1st class Engineering / Technology degree in Biomedical / Instrumentation from a recognized university.
Statistics :1st class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics / Applied Statistics / Biostatistics from a recognized university.
Computer Programming : 1st class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science / Computer Applications/ Information Technology from a recognized university. or 1st class three years Engg. Diploma in Computer Science / Information Technology from a recognized Institute with two years’ experience in Computer Programming field. or 1st class Engineering / Technology degree in Computer Science / Information Technology from a recognized university.
Electrical : 1st class three years Diploma in Electrical Engg. from a recognized Institute with two years’ experience in electrical works in a government recognized / approved / registered Institution. or 1st class Engineering / Technology degree in Electrical from a recognized university.
Health Economics : 1st class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from a recognized university.
Mechanic :1st class three years Diploma in Mechanical/Automobile Engg. from a recognized Institute with two years’ experience in vehicle maintenance in a government recognized / approved / registered Institution. or 1st class Engineering / Technology degree in Mechanical/Automobile from a recognized university.
Network Administration : 1st class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science / Information Technology from a recognized university. or 1st class three years Engg. Diploma in Computer Science / Information Technology from a recognized Institute with two years’ experience in Network Administration field. or 1st class Engineering / Technology degree in Computer Science / Information Technology from a recognized university.
Pharmacy : 1st class Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized university.
Psychology : 1st class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from a recognized university.
Server Administration : 1st class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science / Information Technology from a recognized university. or 1st class three years Engg. Diploma in Computer Science/Information Technology from a recognized Institute with two years’ experience in Server Administration field. or 1st class Engineering / Technology degree in Computer Science / Information Technology from a recognized university.
Social Work/ Sociology : 1st class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work / Sociology / Medical Sociology from a recognized university.
X-Ray : 1st class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Radiography / Medical Technology (X-Ray) from a recognized university.
Veterinary Science : 1st class Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Sciences from a recognized university.

Technical Assistant Selection Process :

The Selection Process will be based on Interview.

Important Dates for Technical Assistant Recruitment:

Starting Date for Submission of online Application 01 October 2023
Last Date for Submission of online Application 15 October 2023

Important Links

Click here for Apply Online

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