NHM 100 GNM BSc in Psychiatry DPN MSc Nursing GNM BSc Nursing Job opportunities 25K Salary

NHM 100 GNM BSc in Psychiatry DPN MSc Nursing GNM BSc Nursing Job opportunities 25K Salary

National Health Mission (NHM) Maharashtra
Government of Maharashtra
Invites applications for the post of Psychiatric Nurse/Staff Nurse

Psychiatric Nurse/Staff Nurse job description:

National Health Mission (NHM) Maharashtra department under Government of Maharashtra recruiting Psychiatric Nurse/Staff Nurse in the month of October 2022.They are 100 Psychiatric Nurse/Staff Nurse vacancy.The application can submit before 21/11/2022.The minimum qualification required for the Psychiatric Nurse/Staff Nurse post is GNM/B.Sc With Certification in Psychiatry/ Or DPN OR M.Sc Nursing (Psy) or GNM/B.Sc.Nursing and The Selection will be based on Merit Basis, Screening, and Written Test/ Interview.

Post: Psychiatric Nurse/Staff Nurse

Vacancy : Psychiatric Nurse  01
Staff Nurse(Female) 83
Staff Nurse(Male) 16
Age : 18 – 38 years
Pay scale :Psychiatric Nurse  Rs.25000/-
Staff Nurse  Rs.20000/-
NHM 100 GNM BSc in Psychiatry DPN MSc Nursing GNM BSc Nursing Job opportunities 25K Salary

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Psychiatric Nurse/Staff Nurse Qualification & experience :

GNM/B.Sc With Certification in Psychiatry from reputed institute Or DPN OR M.Sc Nursing (Psy) or GNM/B.Sc.Nursing.

Psychiatric Nurse/Staff Nurse Selection Process :    

The Selection will be based on Merit Basis, Screening, and Written Test/ Interview.
Note : Eligible candidates may send their application form and other scanned copies and self-attached copies of relevant documents to the address stated below.
Address:District Health Officer Office,
4th Floor, Rashtriya Arogya Abhiyan,
Girl’s School Premises, Zilla Parished, Thane.

B.Sc Nursing jobs

M.Sc Nursing jobs

Important Dates for Psychiatric Nurse/Staff Nurse Recruitment:

Last date for submission of application  21 November 2022

Click here for official notification