NARL PhD ME MTech MSc MS B.E BTech Electronics,Communication,Optical,Photonics and Instrumentation Engineering Job Opportunities 37000–208700 Salary
The National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL)
Government of India
Advertisement No.NARL/RMT/SD/03/11/2023 and NARL/RMT/JRF/04/11/2023
Invites applications for the post of Scientist/Engineer and Junior Research Fellow
Scientist/Engineer and Junior Research Fellow job description:
The National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL) is ready to recruit the Junior Research Fellow and Scientist vacancies in the Gadanki location. For the NARL Recruitment candidates need to have B.Sc or M.Sc or B.E/B.Tech or M.E/M.Tech or Ph.D. from a respective university. NARL Jobs 2023 online application dates are started now eligible candidates may apply online on or before the last date of application.
Vacancy :Scientist/Engineer 01
Junior Research Fellow 14
Age :Scientist/Engineer 35 years as on last date of receipt of applications.
Junior Research Fellow 28 years as on last date of receipt of applications.
Pay scale :Scientist/Engineer ‘SD’ Rs.67700/- p.m in L – 11 (Rs.67700 – 208700/-) Plus TA and HRA as admissible
Junior Research Fellow (JRF) For 1st & 2nd years Rs. 37,000/- per month
For the subsequent years Rs.42,000/- per month

Scientist/Engineer and Junior Research Fellow Qualification & experience :
Scientist/Engineer : i. Ph.D. in the field of Physics / Atmospheric Science/ Meteorology/ Earth Science.
ii. ME / MTech / MSc (Engg) /
MS / MSc or equivalent with an aggregate minimum of 60% marks (average of all semesters) or CGPA 6.5 on a 10 point scale in Physics/ Atmospheric Sciences / Space Physics / Meteorology / Earth System Science from a recognised University/ institution.
iii. B.E/BTech/BSc (Engg) or equivalent qualification with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks (average of all semesters) or CGPA 6.84 on a 10 point scale. AMIE/Grade IETE candidates with a minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84 on a 10 point scale in section B alone.(or) BSc with 60% marks or CGPA of 6.5 on a 10 point scale.
Junior Research Fellow : a) First Class or equivalent CGPA Grade as declared by University in Post – Graduate
degree in the following subjects : Physics/Atmospheric Science /Space Physics / Meteorology / Applied Chemistry /Geophysics/ Earth System Sciences or equivalent with Physics or Atmospheric Science or Space Physics or Meteorology as core subjects. OR Any Specialization of Electronics
Engineering / Communication Engineering / Optical Engineering / Photonics / Instrumentation Engineering. AND
b) Qualified in CSIR-UGC NET / GATE / JAM / JEST.
Scientist/Engineer and Junior Research Fellow Selection Process :
The Selection Process will be based on Interview.
Important Dates for Scientist/Engineer and Junior Research Fellow Recruitment:
Date of commencement of Online Applications 16 December 2023
Last date for Submitting Online Applications 15 January 2024
Important Links
Click here for Official Notification for Scientist/Engineer
Click here for Official Notification for Junior Research Fellow
NARL PhD ME MTech MSc MS B.E BTech Electronics,Communication,Optical,Photonics and Instrumentation Engineering Job Opportunities 37000–208700 Salary
NARL PhD ME MTech MSc MS B.E BTech Electronics,Communication,Optical,Photonics and Instrumentation Engineering Job Opportunities 37000–208700 Salary