Mumbai Port Authority Any Degree Job Opportunities 1 Lakh Salary

Mumbai Port Authority Any Degree Job Opportunities 1 Lakh Salary

Mumbai Port Authority
Government of Maharashtra
Advertisement No.08/2022
Invites applications for the post of Business Manager/Real Estate Expert/Finance Expert/Marketing Executive

All Government Jobs available at

Business Manager/Real Estate Expert/Finance Expert/Marketing Executive Job description:

Mumbai Port Authority Department under Government of Maharashtra recruiting Business Manager/Real Estate Expert/Finance Expert/Marketing Executive in the month of October 2022.They are 04 Business Manager/Real Estate Expert/Finance Expert/Marketing Executive Vacancy.The application can submit before 09/11/2022. The minimum qualification required for the Business Manager/Real Estate Expert/Finance Expert/Marketing Executive post is Any Degree and The Selection will be based on written examination/ interview.

Post: Business Manager/Real Estate Expert/Finance Expert/Marketing Executive

Vacancy :Business Manager  01

Real Estate Expert  01

Finance Expert  01

Marketing Executive   01

Age :Business Manager 65 years

Real Estate Expert  65 years

Finance Expert  62 years

Marketing Executive  50 years

Pay scale :Business Manager  Rs. 1,00,000 + Conveyance of Rs. 35,000 per month
Real Estate Expert  Rs. 1,00,000 + Conveyance of Rs. 35,000 per month
Finance Expert  Rs. 60,000 + Conveyance of Rs. 15,000 per month
Marketing Executive   Rs. 80,000 per month
Mumbai Port Authority Any Degree Job Opportunities 1 Lakh Salary

Business Manager/Real Estate Expert/Finance Expert/Marketing Executive Qualification & experience :

Degree from a recognized University. MBA is preferable or Graduate in Commerce or MBA in Marketing from recognized University.

Business Manager/Real Estate Expert/Finance Expert/Marketing Executive Selection Process :  

The Selection will be based on written examination/ interview.
How to apply: Interested candidates may submit their application(s) in the prescribed format (Application form) by: (i) Downloading the application format from website (‘Media/Vacancy’ menu). (ii) Filling the application format with the required details and declaration. (iii) The filled in application form along with duly self-attested documents for determining eligibility is to be sent to the below mentioned address by courier/ post before the last date of application i.e. 9.11.2022 by superscribing on the envelope as “Application for the post of_________________on contract basis”. The Secretary, Mumbai Port Authority, General Administration Department, Port House, 2nd Floor, Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400001. Applications for each post should be separately sent to above address. (iv) Merely submitting Resume/ CVs and incomplete application will be liable to be rejected. The last date for receipt of applications will be 9.11.2022.

Important Dates for Mumbai Port Authority Any Degree Job Opportunities 1 Lakh Salary:  

Last date for submission of online application  09 November 2022

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