Metro Rail Corporation 45 Electrical Mechanical Diploma and ITI Jobs

Metro Rail Corporation 45 Electrical Mechanical Diploma and ITI Jobs

(SPV of Govt. of India & Govt. of Gujarat)
(Formerly known as Metro-Link Express for Gandhinagar And Ahmedabad (MEGA) Company Limited)

Invites applications for the  fllowing Engineering and ITI Vacancies

Technician Apprentice (Diploma)

Technician Apprentice (ITI)

ITI- Electrician 21
ITI- Mechanical (Fitter) 9

Qualification & experience :

For Technician Apprentice (ITI)

Passed 10th / Matric exam under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent and ITI passed in the concerned trade from an institute recognized by NCVT/GCVT

Technician Apprentice (Diploma)

3 years Diploma in Engineering in Mechanical/ Electrical from a Government Recognized University / Institute.


Minimum 18 years and maximum 25 years as on 08.02.2023. That is, the Date of Birth of the Candidate/Applicant should between 09.02.1998 and 09.02.2005. ï‚· Concession & Relaxation: (Upper age is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates for the trades reserved for them).


Rs 9,000/- p.m. for ITI Holders and Rs10,000/- p.m. for Diploma Technicians


I. Selection of the apprentices will be through written test/Computer based test and/or personal interview, which will be communicated to applicants through their registered email ID. Final selection will be done based on merit and reservation rules. II. The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificates. In case it is detected at any stage of engagement or thereafter, that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/doctored/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after engagement, his/her engagement is liable to be terminated.

Metro Rail Corporation 45 Electrical Mechanical Diploma and ITI Jobs

Important Dates:

Online Application starting date. 25th January, 2023
Online link will be activated on. 25th January, 2023
Last date for enrolling in portal in order to apply. 08th February, 2023 23:59 PM

i. Interested ITI Holder Candidates are first required to register in the web portal on Govt. Skill India, NAPS Portal i.e. National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme using the link given below for enrollment/registration as apprentices. and after successfully enrolment, they should apply online through respective advertisement code number as mentioned hereunder:  Technician Apprentice (ITI) – Electrician, Opportunity code no. AO301111.  Technician Apprentice (ITI) – Mechanical-Fitter, Opportunity code no.AO301112. ii. Interested Diploma Technician Candidates are first required to register in the web portal of NATS (National Apprenticeship Training Scheme) using the link given below for enrollment/registration as apprentices. and after successfully enrolment, they should apply online through respective advertisement code number as mentioned hereunder:  Technician Apprentice (Diploma) – Electrical, advertisement code no. JV2300034.  Technician Apprentice (Diploma) – Mechanical, advertisement code no. JV2300035. iii. Help/User Manual to apply for Apprenticeship training on NATS Portal, may be seen at iv. In case of any issues/queries related to NATS portal, you may please contact Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT), Western Region, Mumbai, as the NATS portal is instituted by BOAT. The contact details of BOAT, Western Region are available in website v. No need to send print/ hardcopy to Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited at this stage. Eligible candidates will be intimated about further proceedings.

Important Links

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