Mechanical and Electrical Engineering BE B.Tech Above 1 Lakh Salary

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering BE B.Tech Above 1 Lakh Salary


MAHARASHTRA STATE POWER GENERATION COMPANY LTD invited Online Application for the Following Vacancy.

Vacancy Details

General Manger (RE Projects)

Pay scale:

Rs. 105035 -4610-215675.

Educational Qualification:

First class engineering Graduate from a recognized University in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering. MBA/PG will be preferable.


15 year’s of Post Qualification Experience out of which at least 10 years experience in Renewable Energy Sector. Candidate should have work for atleast 2000 MW of Renewable Energy Projects from concept to commission in the State.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering BE B.Tech Above 1 Lakh Salary Age Limit

AGE LIMIT: 48 years, For Mahagenco Employees: 57 years

Selection Process:

Written Test/ Interview

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering BE B.Tech Above 1 Lakh Salary

How to Apply

1. Candidates are required to have a valid personal email ID / Mobile no. It should be kept active during this recruitment process. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/ mention email ID/ Mobile no. of any other person. In case, candidate does not have a valid personal email ID, he/she should create his/ her new email ID before applying. If message or email regarding Recruitment process is NOT received by candidates due to any reason, MAHAGENCO is NOT responsible in such cases. 2. Application must be submitted in the Proforma given at the end of this advertisement, in same order preferably typewritten on full-scape paper. All items of the application should be filled in properly. 3. The name of the candidate, his / her father / husband name, caste, etc. should be spelt correctly in the application form as it appears in the certificates, mark sheets. Any change/ alteration found may disqualify the candidature. 4. Application duly filled in & signed, Original Demand Draft and attested copies of certificates in support of age, qualifications, Caste, Caste Validity (If available), Domicile, Post Qualification experience specifically showing date of joining and relief, posts held, Salary Slips / proofs (for deciding specific experience), etc. should be sent / submitted well in advance to:- “Assistant General Manager (HR-RC), Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd., Estrella Batteries Expansion Compound, Ground Floor, Labour Camp, Dharavi Road, Matunga, Mumbai – 400 019 so as to reach on or before 31.03.2023” The departmental employees of the MSPGCL, applying need not to submit the application through proper channel. Post Code and Post applied for must be clearly written on the envelope, while forwarding application and attested copies of supporting document. 5. The departmental candidates of MSPGCL have to submit post wise experience certificate of MSEB/MSPGCL duly signed by the authority of MSPGCL not below the rank of Executive Engineer. 6. Candidates applying under reserved category has to submit Caste certificate, Caste validity, current year Non creamy Layer certificate valid as on last date of submission of application form, etc., as applicable.

Important Dates:

  • Last date of Submission of application is 31.03.202

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