ITI Diploma as fitter or in maintenance of machines with one year experience Jobs

ITI Diploma as fitter or in maintenance of machines with one year experience Jobs-2021


National Institute of Fashion Technology
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India
NIFT Campus, Karwar, Jodhpur – 342 037, Rajasthan, India

Invites applications for the post of Machine Mechanic (03 Nos.)

Post: Machine Mechanic


ITI Diploma as fitter or in maintenance of machines with one year experience Jobs

Educational Qualifications and experience for Direct Recruits on contract:

Recognised ITI Diploma as fitter or in maintenance of machines with one year experience in repair and maintenance of cutting/sewing/finishing machines in garment industry. Or Recognised Certificate from ITI as Fitter recognized by Government or its equivalent with three year experience in repair and maintenance of cutting/sewing/finishing machines in garment industry

Age – limit for Direct recruits on contract: 27 years Maximum upper agelimit for NIFT employees may be relaxed upto five years or total length of service rendered (on regular and/or longterm contract basis) whichever is less. Age relaxation shall be applicable for other categories as per GOI Rules.

How to apply:-

1. Application forms downloaded from should be addressed to Joint Director, National institute of Fashion Technology, Karwar, Jodhpur-342037 and superscribed “Application for the post of _____________” on the envelope on or before 24th August, 2021 2. Self attested copies of certificates and testimonials pertaining to proof of age/educational qualifications/caste/experience etc. should be attached with the applications form. 3. Application from employees of Government Departments and/or PSUs/autonomous bodies under Government will be considered only if forwarded through proper channel, certified by the employer that the applicant, if selected will be relieved within one month of the receipt of the appointment orders. Vigilance clearance should also be recorded. The applications of in-service candidates through proper channel complete in all respects, along with all required documents should be forwarded to the Joint Director, National institute of Fashion Technology, Karwar, Jodhpur 342037. However, they may send an advance copy of their application and other certificates and testimonials so as to reach this office on or before the last date of receipt of application. 4. The venue of the examination shall be at NIFT Jodhpur and date shall be notified in 5. Fee payable: A Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque for the requisite fee as indicated below should be drawn in favour of NIFT, payable at Jodhpur. 6. In case of any query/support, candidates may contact on 0291-2659520 7. Name of the posts, type of recruitment, category and fee

NIFT Official Notification

Download Application form from

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