IRCON Civil Electronics Electrical and Electronics Electronics and Communication and Electronics and Instrumentation Job Opportunities 36K Salary

IRCON Civil Electronics Electrical and Electronics Electronics and Communication and Electronics and Instrumentation Job Opportunities 36K Salary

Indian Railway Construction Company Limited (IRCON)
Government of India
Advt. No. C-15/2023
Invites applications for the post of Works Engineer

Works Engineer job description:

Indian Railway Construction Company Limited (IRCON) has issued a new job notification for the position of Works Engineer with 04 Vacancies. Candidates who have qualified in Degree in Electrical, Instrumentation, ECE, and Civil Engineering must utilize advantage of the IRCON Jobs 2023. Interested and Eligible candidates can attend the IRCON Walk-In-Interview on the 13th of October 2023. More details like education qualification, pay scale, age limit, application fee, selection process, application dates, and how to apply are mentioned below.

Post:Works Engineer

Vacancy : Works Engineer/Civil   03
Works Engineer/ S&T   01
Age : 30 years
Pay scale :Rs. 36,000/- per month
IRCON Civil Electronics Electrical and Electronics Electronics and Communication and Electronics and Instrumentation Job Opportunities 36K Salary

Works Engineer Qualification & experience :

Works Engineer/Civil : Full Time Graduate Degree in Civil Engineering with not less than 60% marks from recognized University/ Institute approved by AICTE/UGC
Minimum oneyear experience in Civil Construction works.
Works Engineer/ S&T  : Full time Graduate degree in Engineering/ Technology with not less than 60% marks from reputed Institute/ University approved by AICTE in any of the following specializations:  1. Electronics Engg. 2. Electrical & Electronics Engg. 3. Electronics & Communication Engg. 4. Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.
Minimum One-year experience in areas of Electronic Interlocking, Relay Interlocking, Automatic Signaling.

Works Engineer Selection Process :

The Selection Process will be based on Document Verification/Interview.
How to apply : Eligible candidates can attend the Walk-In-Interview process with their application form and Other relevant documents to the venue stated below.
Venue:West Bengal: IRCON Eastern Regional Office, 378, Prantik Pally Dhanmath Kasba Kolkata – 700107
Jharkhand: IRCON Coal Rail Connectivity Project Office, 121/C, Mandir Marg, Ashok Nagar, Ranchi – 834002

Important Dates for Works Engineer Recruitment:

Date of Walk in Interview   13 October 2023

Important Links

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