IIT Chemical Instrumentation and Control Electrical Aerospace Engineering and Data Science or Artificial Intelligence Job Opportunities

IIT Chemical Instrumentation and Control Electrical Aerospace Engineering and Data Science or Artificial Intelligence Job Opportunities

Post: Project Associate-I

Vacancy :02
Age : 35 years relaxation as per Government norms
IIT Chemical Instrumentation and Control Electrical Aerospace Engineering and Data Science or Artificial Intelligence Job Opportunities

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Complete Recruitment details

Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
Government of Punjab
Invites applications for the post of Project Associate-I

Project Associate-I job description:

Indian Institute of Technology Ropar has declared the notification for the posts of Project Associate I. The IIT Ropar Jobs 2024 invited applications from B.E/B. Tech or M.E/M.Tech-qualified candidates. Eligible and interested candidates can apply for IIT Ropar Recruitment 2024 on or before the last date of application. More information about the IIT Ropar notification like education details, age limit, selection process, and other details are provided below.

Project Associate-I Qualification & experience :

B.Tech/BE or M.Tech/ME in Chemical Engineering/ Instrumentation and Control Engineering /Electrical Engineering/Aerospace Engineering/ Data Science/Artificial Intelligence from a recognized University or equivalent.
Pay Scale :i. Rs. 31,000/-+ HRA to scholars who are selected through a) National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.
ii. 25000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above

Project Associate-I Selection Process :

The Selection will be based on Interview.

How to Apply: 1. Eligible candidates are required to apply ONLINE only through the below given application form.
2. Completely filled application form (as given below) along with biodata/CV, and testimonials (marksheets, transcripts, experience certificates, valid category certificate, if applicable) may be emailed together as a single PDF document to vjayaram@iitrpr.ac.in
3. The subject line for the email may be written as follows: PDH-Project Associate-1Application-First Name-Second Name
4. Candidate should have a valid email before applying online.
5. Readable scanned copies of Mark sheet (SSC, HSC, Graduation, Master, PhD, etc.) should be submitted along with the application (as stated above)

Important Dates for Project Associate-I Recruitment:

Last date for submission of application   25 January 2024

Important Links

Click here for Official Notification

IIT Chemical Instrumentation and Control Electrical Aerospace Engineering and Data Science or Artificial Intelligence Job Opportunities

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