How to prepare for AIIMS Staff Nurse Exam

How to prepare for AIIMS Nursing Officer, Staff Nurse Exam?

The candidates applied for the post of Nursing Officer/ Staff Nurse Examination 2021 or if you are planning to appear upcoming AIIMS Nursing Officer Examination, you be prepared for the Competative Exam. As the competition is increasing in the field of nursing and many candidates are completing nursing courses whether it is GNM or B.Sc Nursing. The Senior Nurses are to be well prepared to get job in AIIMS because many new comers are getting chance in the AIIMS examination.

Online study Materials for Nursing Officer Exam

There are lot of online opportunities available to get prepared for the Nursing officer Examination one of the major site providing Nursing Job information and Nursing study materials is The SOlved Question papers of different Nursing recruitment examinations like ESIC, RRB, PGIMER, KPSC, Kerala PSC, HPPSC, NIMHANS, KIMS, KARHFW also available in the above website and also more 50,000 Nursing Multiple choice question answers collection available at

Reading Books:

Keep reading General knowledge books, and Nursing related books for updating your knowledge and during the interview it helps to get high scores. When we keep on reading new books our English writing reading and speaking skills also improve. During the online Competitive examination conducted by AIIMS the following points you need to keep in mind.

Nursing officer Examination Time;

Before attending the online Nursing Officer/ Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam you need to go through the instructions provided in the admit card. In common There are 100 questions of Multiple choice and you have to answer all the questions in 120 minutes. For Each question you will get about 1.2 minutes.

Negative Marks:

When there is negative marks for wrong answers you will loose 0.25 marks for each wrong questions from you total score. for example if you answer 85 questions and in that 7 questions got wrong, then your score will be 85 minus 1.75 (7×0.25=1.75) = 83.25. Your final score is 83.25. So be careful when answering the questions if you don’t know exact answer.

Study Materials:

Here we published a list of AIIMS Staff Nurse/ Nursing Officer Exam question answers for your satisfaction and getting prepared for the upcoming examination.

Good luck


Previous Question Papers:

AIIMS Staff Nurse and Nursing Officer Recruitment Examinations previous question papers available on net. Some question papers available at

If you want to go through more Previous Question papers of AIIMS and Other Nursing Staff Recruitment you can collect it free from

How to prepare for AIIMS Nursing Officer, Staff Nurse Exam?
How to prepare for AIIMS Nursing Officer, Staff Nurse Exam?

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