Handhold Support Engineer Job Vacancies Kerala State IT Mission

Handhold Support Engineer Job Vacancies Kerala State IT Mission

Kerala State IT Mission,
Akshaya District Project Office, A1, Ashoka
Apartment,B3 Flat,Near Civil
Station,Kakkanad, 682030

No: e-Governan/32/2023-KSITM

Kerala State IT Mission

Kerala State IT Mission Invites Offline Application  for the Following Vacancy.

Vacancy Details

  • Handhold Support Engineer

Total Vacancy-02

Handhold Support Engineer Job Vacancies Kerala State IT Mission

Educational Qualification:

Pay Scale

  • Rs.21000/- Per Month

Age Limit

  • Maximum Age-30 years

Application Fee:

  • No Application Fee.

Selection Process:

  •  Interview

How to Apply for Handhold Support Engineer Job Vacancies Kerala State IT Mission

1. Visit the website: https://ernakulam.nic.in/

2. Click on “NOTIFICATION”

3. Select “RECRUITMENT “and Download The application form “Vacancy for the post of Handhold Support Engineers at Kerala State IT Mission, Ernakulam”

4. Fill the application form along with self-attested copies of educational qualifications, experience certificate and ID poof document.

5. Send the hard copy of the above-mentioned documents to the following address: Akshaya District Project Office, A1, Ashoka Apartment,B3 Flat, Near Civil Station, above ANERT Office, Kakkanad, Kerala 682030 For Queries Contact:0484 2422693, 9495634111 (Write “Application form: Handhold Support Engineer, Ernakulam”on the Tapal/Application Cover)

6. Last date and time of receipt of application is 16.05.2023, 5.00 PM.

7. Only hardcopy of the filled application form & relevant documents as instructed above needs to be submitted in person or by post. No other format/mode of submission are accepted.

8. KSITM reserves the right to fill or not fill the post advertised.

9. KSITM reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies as per the requirement.

10. Any further intimation to the candidates, who will be shortlisting for further process will be through email only.

Interested and eligible candidates can apply through the prescribed application form. The Applicant needs to send the application form along with relevant documents to Akshaya District Project Office, A1, Ashoka Apartment, B3 Flat, Near Civil Station, Above ANERT Office, Kakkanad, Kerala-682030

Important Dates

  • Start Date to Apply Offline:27-04-2023
  • Last Date to Apply Offline: 16-May-2023

Important Links