GNM BSc MSc Nursing Staff Nurse Jobs- 60 Vacancies

GNM BSc MSc Nursing Staff Nurse Jobs- 60 Vacancies-2021


Post : Staff Nurse

Vacancy : 60

Age : 12 Years for OC and 3 Years relaxation for upper age limit for SC/ST/BC and 3 Years for EX-Service Men and 10 years for Physically Handicapped persons up to a Maximum for 43 Years. The maximum age shall be reckoned as on 01.06.2020.
Pay Scale : Not Specified

Staff Nurse Qualification:

Intermediate with GNM or BSC Nursing/MSC Nursing,
GNM BSc MSc Nursing Staff Nurse Jobs- 60 Vacancies
Staff Nurse Selection Process :    
Selection will be based on age limit, qualification etc.

Official notification and more details


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