GNM B.Sc Nursing Staff Nurses Recruitment

GNM B.Sc Nursing Staff Nurses Recruitment- AP


Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse

Post: Staff Nurse

Qualification: B.Sc(N) / GNM with upto date renewal of registration at APNC


As fixed by Govt/Competent authority

GNM B.Sc Nursing Staff Nurses Recruitment

Method of Recruitment :

a) 75% marks based on Aggregate of marks obtained in all the year in the qualifying examination i.e. GNM or B.Sc. (Nursing) / B.Pharma or D.Pharma b) 15% Weightage for experience of Government service including contract / out sourcing service for Tribal ,Rural, Urban service as per Govt. Rules for the respective posts notified(Staff Nurse/Pharmacist/ MNO FNO). c) Weightage for number of years since passing qualifying examination upto 10 marks 1 mark per completed year after acquiring requiste qualification


Applications are invited from the qualified for the above said posts, from those candidates, who have not crossed the age of ‘42’ years. Age relaxation for upper age limit to those candidates belongs to SC/ST/BC are ‘5’ years and ‘3’ years for Ex-Service Women and 10 years for Physically Handicapped Persons up to a maximum for 50 years. The maximum age will be reckoned as on 01.08.2021.

How to apply :

Candidates can send the filled applications with the relevant documents directly or through post to the O/o District Coordinator of Hospital Services Chittoor on or before 20.08.2021 05:00 PM . The application forms can be downloaded from the website of and the following documents shall be attached for the purpose ofscrutiny. 1 Marks memo of SSC ( or) equivalent certificate 2 Marks memos of all the years of qualifying examination i.e. GNM or B.Sc. (Nursing) / B.Pharma, D.Pharma. 3 Permanent registration certificate of A.P. Nursing & Midwives Council / A.P. Para Medical Board and its renewal registration on completion of ‘5’ years period if any; 4 Latest caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/BC) 5 Study certificates from Class–IV to X where the candidate studied. 6 Latest Physically handicapped certificate /Ex-Servicemen (if applicable). 7 First Aid Certificate (in case of MNO/FNO post). 8 Candidates must submit the DD in favor of District Coordinator of Hospital Services Chittoor from any Nationalized Bank towards application fee of Rs.250/-. Physically handicapped candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.


i) If the Caste certificate / Physically handicapped certificate / Ex-Serviceman are not submitted, the candidate will be treated under OC. i) If the Study certificates are not submitted the candidate will be treated as Non-Local. ii) If the applications received after 20 .08.2021 05:00 PM / without any of the above mentioned certificates such applications will be rejected

Open Official Notification.

Open Online Application form


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