Engineering Vacancies ICAR

Engineering Vacancies  ICAR


ICARNational Institute of Veterinary Epidemiology & Disease Informatics
Ramagondanahalli, Yelahanka, Bengaluru 560 064

F.No.1222/NIVEDI/2021/Vol IV Dt.11.11.2021

Invites applications for the following posts

1. Name of the project : NADCP Sampling plan for Sero surveillance and sero monitoring of FMD & Brucellosis.

Senior Research Fellow (01 Position)

Education Qualification required :
MTech / MCA in Computer Science with Bachelor Degree in Engineering. Programming in R and Bioinformatics. Rs. 31000/- plus 24% HRA per month for two years and Rs 35000/- Plus 24% HRA per month from third year 35 Years for Men and 40 years for women as on the date of Advertisement.

2. Name of the project :NADCP Sampling plan for Sero surveillance and sero monitoring of FMD & Brucellosis.


Engineering Vacancies ICAR

Senior Research Fellow (01 Position)

Education Qualification required :
Postgraduates in basic science with specialization in Bio informatics with NET/GATE qualification. OR MTech in Biotechnology / Bioinformatics with Bachelor Degree in Engineering. Knowledge in bioinformatics, skills in Linux, python and R. Rs. 31000/- plus 24% HRA per month for two years and Rs 35000/- Plus 24% HRA per month from third year 35 Years for Men and 40 years for women as on the date of Advertisement.

3 Name of the project: NADCP Sampling plan for Sero surveillance and sero monitoring of FMD & Brucellosis.

Young Professional – II (01 Position)

Education Qualification required :
Graduates with at least 60% marks in Computer Application/information Technology/Computer Science/Operating Systems/Software Engineering/Computer Graphics with one-year experience in the relevant filed. OR Master in Computer Application/Information Technology/Computer Science/Operating Systems/ Software Engineering/Computer Graphics. Experience in sampling plan for surveillance and R programming. Rs.35000/- per month Consolidated Minimum age 21 years and Maximum age 45 years as on the date of Advertisement

4 Name of the project: DBT – DUCK Project Associate I/II

Project Associate I

Education Qualification required :

Master’s Degree in natural or Agricultural Sciences/MVSC or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized university or equivalent. Project Associate II: Master’s Degree in natural or Agricultural Sciences/MVSC or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized university or equivalent -2 years’ experience in Research and Development in Industrial and academic institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and service. Having knowledge Bioinformatics, Molecular techniques and data analysis tools Rs.31000/-+HRA Per Month Upto 35 Years.

Other Branch Engineering Vacancies with Good Salary Click here

A Walk-in interview for Three positions of Senior Research Fellow, One Position of Project Associate I/II, One Position of Project Assistant, eight positions of Young Professional- II, three positions of Young Professional-I under various projects will be held from 26.11.2021 for Sl. No 01 to Sl. No 07 and 27.11.2021 for Sl. no 08 to Sl. No 16 (Please refer advertisement) at 11.AM in ICAR-National Institute of Veterinary Epidemiology and Disease Informatics, Yelahanka, Bengaluru-560 064 and all the positions are co-terminus with the respective projects. For information Regarding Educational Qualifications, Age Relaxation, Experience and for other related information please visit the institute website Candidates are required to bring testimonials in original and one set of self- attested copies of testimonials in original and one set of self-attested copies of testimonials & one passport size color photo along with completed application form (which may be downloaded from the website –, at the time of interview. Registration will be done between 9.00 A.M to 11.00 A.M only.

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