Engineering and other Vacancies-ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management

Engineering and other Vacancies-ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management

ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management

Opp. Rail Vihar, Chandrashekharpur, Bhubaneswar751023, Odisha

dvt. No. ICARIIWM/06/2021 Dated: 05.11.2021

Walk-in-interview will be held for selection of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Young Professional – II (YP-II) on contractual and co-terminus with the project as per ICAR project guidelines on the date and time given below:

Development and management of surface water resources and soil moisture in different agro ecological regions of India using geoinformatics and nano technology (Agri CRP on Water, Theme-1)

SRF (One) Rs. 31000/- per month + HRA for 1st and 2nd year and Rs. 35000/- per month + HRA for 3rd year onwards Essential: M. Tech./ M. E. (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering/ Land and Water Management Engineering/ Irrigation and Drainage Engineering/ Water Resource Management/ Water Resources Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ Environmental Engineering) as per ICAR guidelines Desirable: Working experience in GIS/ Remote Sensing application/ Nano technology in agriculture. YP-II (One) Rs. 35000/- per month (Consolidated) Essential: Post Graduation degree/ Graduation degree in Agricultural Sciences/ Agricultural Engineering/ Engineering/ Natural Resource Management related disciplines/ Computer Science/ Electronics/ IT/ Nano technology as per ICAR guidelines.
Engineering and other Vacancies-ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management

Automated canal irrigation system for efficient and smart irrigation water management” (Agri CRP on Water, Theme-2)

SRF (One) Rs. 31000/- per month + HRA for 1st and 2nd year and Rs. 35000/- per month + HRA for 3rd year onwards Essential: M. Tech./ M.E. (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering/ Land and Water Management Engineering/ Soil and Water Engineering/ Irrigation and Drainage Engineering/ Water Resource Development and Management/ Water Resources Engineering or Master Degree in allied disciplines like Computer Science/ Civil Engineering/ Environmental Engineering as per ICAR guidelines Desirable: Working experience in Canal Water Management/ Canal Automation/ DSS/ IoT enabled irrigation systems/ Geo-informatics/ GIS/ Remote Sensing application in agriculture. YP-II (IT) (One) Rs. 35000/- per month (Consolidated) Graduation degree with at least 60% marks in Computer Science/ Computer application/ IT/ Operating Systems/ Software Engineering/ Artificial Intelligence with one-year experience in the relevant field Or, Master Degree in Computer Science/ Computer application/ IT/ Operating Systems/ Software Engineering/ Artificial Intelligence

Improving groundwater sustainability through analyzing groundwater-energy nexus (Agri CRP on Water, Theme-3)

SRF (One) Rs. 31000/- per month + HRA for 1st and 2nd year and Rs. 35000/- per month + HRA for 3rd year onwards Essential: M. Tech./ M. E. (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering/ Land and Water Management Engineering/ Water Resource Management/ Water Resources Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ Environmental Engineering) Or, M.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences as per ICAR guidelines. Desirable: Working experience in the field of Groundwater management/ Geo-informatics/ Survey in Agriculture and Allied Science etc.

IoT enabled sensor based smart irrigation management systems (Agri CRP on Water, Theme-4)

SRF (One) Rs. 31000/- per month + HRA for 1st and 2nd year and Rs. 35000/- per month + HRA for 3rd year onwards Essential: M. Tech./ M. E. (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering/ Land and Water Management Engineering/ Irrigation and Drainage Engineering/ Water Resource Management/ Water Resources Engineering/ Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering) as per ICAR guidelines. Desirable: Working experience in IoT enabled systems/ Irrigation automation/ Geo-informatics.

Agri CRP on Water (Coordinating Unit)

YP-II (One) Rs. 35000/- per month (Consolidated) Essential: Post Graduation degree/ Graduation degree in Agricultural Sciences/ Agricultural Engineering/ Engineering/ Natural Resource Management related disciplines/ Computer Science/ Electronics/ IT as per ICAR guidelines.

Other Branch Engineering Vacancies with Good Salary Click here

The interested candidates are instructed to bring their curriculum vitae with one photograph and self attested photocopy of certificates on the date of Walk-in-interview along with original certificates in support of qualification, age & experience for verification. The candidates are required to report for verification of the certificates etc. between 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM on the date of Interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. No candidate will be entertained for interview who will report after 11.00 AM. The Director, ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneswar reserves the right to cancel/ reject the interview/ engagement without assigning any reason thereof. Please keep watching our regularly for any further updates / corrigendum / Notification in this regard.
Important Dates for Recruitment:   

Date & time of Interview: 26.11.2021 at 10 AM

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