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DRDO Recruitment Assessment Centre Scientist B or Scientist or Engineer BE BTech Engineering Job Vacancies 88K Salary
Invites applications for the post of Scientist B or Scientist/ Engineer
Scientist B or Scientist/ Engineer Job description:
DRDO Recruitment Assessment Centre (RAC) Department under Government of  Delhi recruiting Scientist B or Scientist/ Engineer in the month of June 2022. They are 630 Scientist B or Scientist/ Engineer Vacancy.The application can submit before 14/07/2022. The minimum qualification required for the Scientist B or Scientist/ Engineer post is B.E/ B.Tech Engineering and The Selection will be based on Valid GATE Score/Written Examination/Personal Interview.
Post:Scientist B or Scientist/ Engineer
Vacancy :Scientist B in DRDO 579
Scientist B in DST 08
Scientist/ Engineer B in ADA 43
Age : Category              DRDO       DST        ADA
i) Un Reserved (UR) /EWS  28 years   35 years   30 years
ii) OBC (Non-creamy layer)  31 years   38 years   33 years
iii) SC/ST                  33 years   40 years   35 years

Scientist B or Scientist/ Engineer Qualification & experience :
Scientist B or Scientist/ Engineer Selection Process : Â
Important Dates for Scientist B or Scientist/ Engineer Recruitment:Â Â
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