CSIR Bangalore Vacancies

CSIR Bangalore Vacancies

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIR-Fourth Paradigm Institute
NAL Campus, Belur, Bengaluru – 560037.

Advt. No.1/2021 dated 29.10.2021

CSIR-Fourth Paradigm Institute (CSIR-4PI) is a premier research laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) which is an Autonomous Body under Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. CSIR-4PI is looking for bright and motivated persons for filling up the following Administrative positions:

CSIR Bangalore Vacancies

CSIR Bangalore Vacancies

AD01 Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen. Admin. and Stores & Purchase)

04 posts (Gen. Admin – 3 UR S&P – 1 UR) 10+2 / XII standard / PUC or its equivalent with typewriting speed of 35 w.p.m. in English OR 30 w.p.m. in Hindi. on Computer * Age: Not more than 28 years Pay in the level matrix 2 of 7 th CPC (₹19900 – ₹63200) [Gross emoluments approximately ₹30000/- pm]

AD02 Junior Secretariat Assistant (F&A)

1 Post – UR 10+2 / XII standard / PUC or its equivalent with Accountancy as one of the subject and typewriting speed of 35 w.p.m. in English OR 30 w.p.m. in Hindi. on Computer * Age: Not more than 28 years – do –

AD03 Junior Stenographer (English)

02 Posts – UR 10+2 / XII standard / PUC or its equivalent with a speed of 80 w.p.m in shorthand in English and Transcription in 50 mts and 35 w.p.m. in type-writing in English on Computer Age: Not more than 27 years Pay in the level matrix 4 of 7 th CPC (₹25500 – ₹81100) [Gross emoluments approximately ₹38000/- pm]

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