Civil Electrical Computer Science Electronics Engineering Information Technology and other job Opportunities BHU

Civil Electrical Computer Science Electronics Engineering Information Technology and other job Opportunities BHU

(Advertisement No 10/20222023)
(Nonteaching posts under Group ‘A’ & ‘B’

Invites Online Application  for the Following Vacancy

Vacancy Details

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

Deputy Registrar


Assistant Registrar


Internal Audit Officer


Assistant Audit / Accounts Officer


Executive Engineer (Civil)


Assistant Engineer (Civil)


Assistant Engineer (Electrical)


Junior Engineer (Civil)


Junior Engineer (Electrical)


System Manager


Senior Maintenance Engineer


System Programmer


Chief Nursing Officer


Deputy Nursing Superintendent


Nursing Superintendent


Medical Officer


Pay Scale:

78,800 (78,800-2,09,200)

Civil Electrical Computer Science Electronics Engineering Information Technology and other job Opportunities BHU

Educational Qualification for EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (CIVIL)

(i) First Class Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from a recognised Institute/ University OR passed in first class Section A & B Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India). (ii) Minimum experience of 08 years as Assistant Engineer OR Minimum experience of 05 years as Assistant Executive Engineer, from CPWD/State Government PWD services or similar organized services/Semi Government/ PSU/ Statutory or Autonomous organization/ University System or reputed private organizations with an annual turnover of at least Rs.200/- Crores. D.Q.: (i) Experience in construction of projects of multi-storey buildings and have experience in planning/ estimation/ measurement/ tendering as per the CPWD/ PWD norms. Good knowledge of CPWD manuals, preparations/checking of estimates, drawings, structural details, bill of quantities, substitute/deviation items statements and other associated issues related with building and constructions. (ii) Knowledge of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Project Management tools/software. Deputation: Officers holding analogous post or as Assistant Executive Engineer (Level-10) with minimum experience of 03 years OR as Assistant Engineer (Level-7) with minimum experience of 05 years, in the CPWD/ State Government PWD services or similar organized services/ Semi Government/ PSU/ Statutory or Autonomous Organisation/ University

Educational Qualification for  ASSISTANT ENGINEER (CIVIL)

(i) First Class Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from a recognised Institute/ University OR Passed in First Class Section A & B Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India). (ii) Minimum experience of 03 years in the relevant field as Junior Engineer (Civil) or equivalent in CPWD/State Government PWD services or similar organized services/ Statutory or Autonomous organization/ University System or reputed private organizations with an annual turnover of at least Rs.200/- Crores. D.Q.: (i) Experience in construction of projects of multi-storey buildings and have experience in planning/ estimation/ measurement/ tendering as per the CPWD/ PWD norms. Good knowledge of CPWD manuals, preparations/checking of estimates, drawings, structural details, bill of quantities, substitute/deviation items statements and other associated issues related with building and constructions. (ii) Knowledge of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Project Management tools/software. Deputation: Officers holding analogous post (Level-7) OR Minimum experience of 03 years as Junior Engineer (Level-6) in the CPWD/ State Government PWD services or similar organized services/ Semi Government/ PSU/ Statutory or Autonomous Organisation/ University System.

Educational Qualification for JUNIOR ENGINEER (CIVIL) Level – 6

First Class Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from a recognised Institute/ University with minimum one year experience in relevant field OR Passed in First class Section A & B Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India) with minimum one year relevant experience. OR First Class Diploma in Engineering (Civil) and minimum experience of 03 years in relevant field in CPWD / State PWD or Similar Organised Services / Statutory or Autonomous Organisations / Central / State Universities / Autonomous Institutions or reputed Private construction company with an annual turnover of at least Rs.200/- Crores. D.Q.: (i) Experience in construction of projects of multi-storey buildings and have experience in estimation/ measurement/ tendering as per the CPWD/ PWD norms. (ii) Knowledge of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Project Management tools/software. Age Limit: 35 years

Educational Qualification for JUNIOR ENGINEER (ELECTRICAL)

First Class Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognised Institute/ University with minimum one year experience in relevant field OR Passed in First class Section A & B Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India) with minimum 01 year relevant experience. OR First Class Diploma in Engineering (Electrical) and minimum experience of 03 years in relevant field in CPWD / State PWD or Similar Organised Services / Statutory or Autonomous Organisations / Central / State Universities / Autonomous Institutions or reputed Private construction company with an 5 Name of the Post Pay Level  annual turnover of at least Rs.200/- Crores. D.Q.: (i) Experience in construction of projects of multi-storey buildings and have experience in estimation/ measurement/ tendering as per the CPWD/ PWD norms. (ii) Knowledge of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Project Management tools/software. Age Limit: 35 years

Educational Qualification for SYSTEM MANAGER

B.E./B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering/Electronics Engineering/Information Technology/ M.Sc. Computer Science/ MCA with at least 55% of marks and minimum experience of 09 years in extensive programming and system management from a recognized Public/PSU/Private organization. OR M.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering/ Electronics Engineering /Information Technology) with 55% of marks and minimum experience of 08 years in extensive programming and system management from a recognized Public/PSU/Private organization. Deputation: An officer of Central Government, State Government, Union Territories, Autonomous/ Statutory Organizations, PSUs, Universities or recognized Research Institutions holding the analogous post in Information Communication Technology (ICT) and pay in parent cadre. OR Having a minimum experience of 05 years in Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the above mentioned organization in Pay Level-10 / 11 or equivalent on regular basis in parent cadre or department.

Educational Qualification forSENIOR MAINTENANCE ENGINEER

B.E./B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering/Electronics Engineering/ Information Technology/M.Sc. Computer Science/MCA with at 55% marks with relevant work experience of minimum 09 years. OR M.E./M.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering/Electronics Engineering/Information Technology with relevant work experience of minimum 08 years. Experience: Experience should be at appropriate level in industry / University level Computer Centre/Facility in the areas of servers’ configuration, storage systems, backup systems, Linux/Unix Software Engineering, Design and Validation, Databases, Computer Networks from a recognized Public/PSU/Private organization. Deputation: An officer of Central Government, State Government, Union Territories, Autonomous/ Statutory Organizations, PSUs, Universities or recognized Research Institutions holding the analogous post in Information Communication Technology (ICT). OR Having a minimum 05 years of work experience in Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the above mentioned organization in Pay Level-10 / 11 or equivalent on regular basis in parent cadre or department.

Govt Jobs for Engineers

  1. Chemical Engineering Jobs
  2. Mechanical Engineering Jobs
  3. Civil Engineering Jobs
  4. Electrical Engineering Jobs
  5. Instrumentation Engineering Jobs
  6. Computer Science Engineering Jobs
  7. Aeronautical Engineering Jobs
  8. Other Engineering Jobs

Civil Electrical Computer Science Electronics Engineering Information Technology and other job Opportunities BHU Important Dates:

Last Date for Online submission of Application form and Application Fee payment: 03.05.2023 upto 5:00 p.m.

Last date for submission of downloaded application form along with the enclosures: 06.05.2023 upto 5.00 p.m.

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