Mate Mines or Blaster Mines or Diesel Mechanic or Fitter or Turner or Welder G and E or Electrician or Electronics Mechanic or Draughtsman Mechanical and Civil or COPA or Surveyor or AC Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic Job vacancies

Mate Mines or Blaster Mines or Diesel Mechanic or Fitter or Turner or Welder G and E or Electrician or Electronics Mechanic or Draughtsman Mechanical and Civil or COPA or Surveyor or AC Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic Job vacancies

Post:Trade Apprentices

Vacancy  :Mate (Mines) 60

Blaster (Mines) 100

Diesel Mechanic 10

Fitter 30

Turner 05

Welder (G&E) 25

Electrician 40

Electronics Mechanic 06

Draughtsman (Mechanical) 03

Draughtsman (Civil) 02


Surveyor 05

AC Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic 02

Age :18 to 30 years

Pay scale :As per Apprenticeship rules

Central Electrochemical Research Institute Karaikudi ITI Job Vacancies 8050 Salary

Central Electrochemical Research Institute Karaikudi ITI Job Vacancies 8050 Salary

Post:Trade Apprentices
Vacancy  :Fitter 3
Machinist 1
Electrician 3
Wireman 3
Electronics Mechanic 1
Mechanic Ref. & A/c 1
Draughtsman (Civil) 1
Welder 1
Plumber 2
Carpenter 1

Age :as per Apprenticeship Rules

Pay scale :Rs.7700 -  8050/-

Govt Of Maharashtra 92K Salary ITI Draughtsman Civil or Electrician Job Vacancies

Govt Of Maharashtra 92K Salary ITI Draughtsman Civil or Electrician Job Vacancies

Post:Draughtsman and Electrician

Vacancy  :Draughtsman 01

 Electrician  02

Age :SCs /STs (For reserved posts only) 21 Years to 35 Years 

OBC (For reserved posts only) 21 Years to 33 Years 

EWS / GEN 21 Years to 30 Years 

Departmental Candidates (Kirkee Cantonment employees only) Upto the age of 40 years in the case of UR candidates , 43 years in the case of OBC and 45 years in the case of SC/ST

Pay scale :Draughtsman   Rs.29200 – 92300/-
 Electrician   Rs.25500 – 81100/-

NCPOR 68K Salary Vehicle Mechanic or Vehicle Electrician or Operator Excavating Machine Dozers Excavators or Station Electrician or Generator Mechanic or Operator or Welder or Boiler Operator and Mechanic or Plumber or Fitter or Carpenter or Technical Assistant or Lab Technician or Radio or Wireless Operator Job Vacancies

NCPOR 68K Salary Vehicle Mechanic or Vehicle Electrician or Operator Excavating Machine Dozers Excavators or Station Electrician or Generator Mechanic or Operator or Welder or Boiler Operator and Mechanic or Plumber or Fitter or Carpenter or Technical Assistant or Lab Technician or Radio or Wireless Operator Job Vacancies

Post:Vehicle Mechanic/Vehicle Electrician/Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators)/Station Electrician/Generator Mechanic/ Operator/Welder/Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter/Carpenter/Technical Assistant/Lab Technician/Radio/ Wireless Operator

Vacancy :Vehicle Mechanic03

Vehicle Electrician 03

Operator Excavating Machine (Dozers, Excavators) 01

Station Electrician01

Generator Mechanic/ Operator 01

Welder 02

Boiler Operator & Mechanic/ Plumber / Fitter 01

Carpenter 02

Technical Assistant 01

Lab Technician02

Radio/ Wireless Operator03

Age :21 years to 45 years

Pay scale :Rs.51657/- to Rs.68876/- per month.

The Fertilisers and Chemicals Travancore Ltd 98 Apprentice Vacancies

The Fertilisers and Chemicals Travancore Ltd 98 Apprentice Vacancies

Post : Trade Apprentice

Vacancy :Fitter 24
               Machinist 8
               Electrician 15
               Plumber 4
               Mechanic Motor Vehicle 6
               Carpenter 2
               Mechanic (Diesel) 4
               Instrument Mechanic 12
               Welder (Gas & Electric) 9
               Painter 2
               COPA / Front Office Assistant 12

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Foreman Jobs

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Foreman Jobs
Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited

(A Government of India Enterprise

Invites applicaitons for te following Vacancies

Engineering Diploma ITI and other Vacancies BCPL

Engineering Diploma ITI and other Vacancies BCPL
Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited

(A Government of India Enterprise

Invites applicaitons for te following Vacancies

Diploma Engineering/ ITI Jobs UKSSSC

Diploma Engineering/ ITI Jobs UKSSSC
Pay scale :Instructor (Electrical) Rs.35400 – 112400/- Level-6
                 Workshop Instructor (Electronics) Rs.44900 – 142400/- Level-7
                 Workshop Instructor (Electrical) Rs.44900 – 142400/- Level-7
                 Instructor (Diesel Mechanic) Rs.35400 – 112400/- Level-6
                 Instructor (Motor Mechanic) Rs.35400 – 112400/- Level-6
                 Instructor (Welder) Rs.35400 – 112400/- Level-6
                 Instructor (Fitter) Rs.35400 – 112400/- Level-6
                 Workshop Instructor (Technical Education Department) Rs.44900 – 142400/- Level-7