RFO Exam Questions- Multiple Choice

RFO Exam Questions- Multiple Choice

The Recruitment Examination Question Papers of RFO Exam is published here. Earlier we published Sl. No. 1-50 Questions-RFO Exam. Here you can find Question No. 51-100

51. Theme of 12th Five Year Plan is
a. Faster growth b. Inclusive growth
c. Sustainable growth
d. Faster, more inclusive and sustainable growth e. None of these

English Language Teacher Recruitment Model Question paper

English Language Teacher Recruitment Model Question paper
1. Inspite of the doctor’s warning, he paid _____________ attention to his
1. a little
2. a few
3. little
4. some
2. My neighbour has _____________ bungalow.
1. a large beautiful furnished
2. a beautiful large furnished
3. a large furnished beautiful
4. a furnished large beautiful
3. Jane has been in Finland _____ Monday.
1. for
2. since
3. till
4. on