185 Engineering Degree Diploma ITI Job Vacancies BHEL

185 Engineering Degree Diploma ITI Job Vacancies BHEL

Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL)
Government of India
Invites applications for the post of Graduate Apprentice
Right Job alert Employment News Update 20220829-03
No. of Vacancies
Post: Graduate Apprentice

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Graduate Apprentice BE BTech Engineering Job opportunities 25000 Salary

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Graduate Apprentice BE BTech Engineering Job opportunities 25000 Salary

Post:Graduate Apprentice

Vacancy :Chemical  31

Civil  08

Computer Science and Engineering  09

Electrical or Electrical and Electronics  05

Safety or Safety and Fire  10

Mechanical  28

Instrumentation or Applied Electronics and Instrumentation or Instrumentation and Control  09

Metallurgy  02

Age :18 to 27 years

Pay scale :Rs.25000/-

IREL Diploma Trainee – Technical Job Vacancies 25000 – 68000 Salary

IREL Diploma Trainee – Technical Job Vacancies 25000 – 68000 Salary

Post:Diploma Trainee – Technical

Vacancy :19

Age :26 Years

Pay scale :Rs.25000-68000/-

UPRVUNL BE BTech Engineering Job Vacancies upto 1Lakh Salary

UPRVUNL BE BTech Engineering Job Vacancies upto 1Lakh Salary

Post:Assistant Engineer (Trainee) – E & M Cadre/Civil Cadre

Vacancy : Mechanical 61

Electrical 28

Electronics & Instrumentation 17

Computer Science 05

Civil 12

Age :21 to 40 Years

Pay scale : Rs.56100 – 177500/- Level-10

NIWE Electrical Mechanical Electronics Instrumentation Job Vacancies

NIWE Electrical Mechanical Electronics Instrumentation Job Vacancies

Essential Qualification & Experience: 
M.E (Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Instrumentation streams) with first class or its equivalent grade Post qualification 3 years of experience in respective streams out of which, at least 1 year working experience in any Renewable energy sector preferably Wind Energy r B.E (Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Instrumentation streams) with first class or its equivalent grade Post qualification 5 years of experience in respective streams out of which, at least 1 year working experience in any Renewable energy sector preferably Wind Energy.

Engineering Job Vacancies NIPGR

Engineering Job Vacancies NIPGR
National Institute of Plant Genome Research
(An Autonomous Research Institution of the Department of Biotechnology
Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India)
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi – 110067

Invites applications for the post of Technical Officer

Technical Officer

Vacancies: 6

Pay Scale: (35,400 – 1,12,400)

HPCL 100 Engineering Vacancies

HPCL 100 Engineering Vacancies

Mechanical Engineering
ï‚· Electrical & Electronics Engineering
ï‚· Chemical Engineering
ï‚· Civil Engineering
ï‚· Instrumentation
ï‚· Materials Management
ï‚· Safety Engineering
ï‚· Computer Science & Engineering / IT
ï‚· Electronics & Communication Engineering
ï‚· Architecture
ï‚· Catering Technology
ï‚· Civil Environmental
ï‚· Communication & Computer Engineering
ï‚· Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence &Machine Learning)
ï‚· Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science)
ï‚· Energy Engineering
ï‚· Environment Pollution & Control Engineering
ï‚· Fine Art/Sculpture/Commercial Etc.
ï‚· Food Process Engineering
ï‚· Food Technology
ï‚· Hotel Management & Catering Technology
ï‚· Industrial Engineering
ï‚· Interior Decoration
ï‚· Petroleum Engineering
ï‚· Regional & Town Planning
ï‚· Telecommunication & Engineering

MECON Limited Engineering Jobs

MECON Limited Engineering Jobs

Post :Assistant Manager/Deputy Manager/Manager/Senior Manager

Vacancy :57

FACT 81 BE BTech and Diploma Apprentice Vacancies

FACT 81 BE BTech and Diploma Apprentice Vacancies

Graduate Apprentice : Computer Engineering/Computer Science & Engineering 4
Civil Engineering 3
Chemical Engineering 5
Mechanical Engineering 5
Electrical & Electronics Engineering 4
Electronics & instrumentation Engineering /Instrumentation & Control Engineering / Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 3
Total 24
Technician Apprentice  : Chemical Engineering 15
Computer Engineering 13
Civil Engineering 5
Electrical / Electrical & Electronics Engineering 5
Instrumentation Engineering, Instrument Technology /Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 4
Mechanical Engineering 10
Commercial Practice 5
Total 57

Railway Engineering Vacancies

Railway Engineering Vacancies

Post :Jr. Technical Assistant (Signal & Telecommunication)

Vacancy :18

Age  :As per the KRCL rules.
Pay scale :Rs.30,000/- (Per Month)

RSMSSB 197 Engineering Vacancies

RSMSSB 197 Engineering Vacancies

Post : Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector

Vacancy :197

Age  :18 to 40 years
Pay scale :Pay Matrix L-10

37 BE B.Tech/ME M.Tech Jobs in Bank

37 BE B.Tech/ME M.Tech Jobs in Bank

Post :IT Manager 

Vacancy :37

Age  : 25 to 35 years
Pay scale :Not Specified

NIHFW BE BTech MCA MBA Job Vacancies

NIHFW BE BTech MCA MBA Job Vacancies

The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare
Government of Delhi
Invites applications for the post of Manager / Senior Technical Project Manager/Product Manager / Technical Project Manager/Team Leaders / Architects/Database Admin/Architect (SystemAdmin/Architect (Security Admin)/Data Analyst

BSNL Engineering Job Vacancies

BSNL Engineering Job Vacancies

Post :Technician (Diploma) Apprentices

Vacancy :Electronics & Communication Engineering  22

Age  : as per Apprenticeship Rules.
Pay scale :Rs.8,000/- per month

Electrical / Electrical & Electronics/Mechanical/ Production/ Production & Industrial/ Manufacturing/ Mechanical & Automobile Engineering Diploma Jobs

Electrical / Electrical & Electronics/Mechanical/ Production/ Production & Industrial/ Manufacturing/ Mechanical & Automobile Engineering Diploma Jobs

Post :Foreman

Vacancy :04

Age :30 years 
Pay scale :Rs. 23,000 /-Per Month

34 Diploma and BE B.Tech Apprentice Vacancies

34 Diploma and BE B.Tech Apprentice Vacancies

Vacancy :
Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees  33
Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Trainee  01

Age :
Minimum Age- 18 years,
Maximum Age – Unreserved category – 27 years
                                    OBC- 30 years
                                    SC/ST-32 years
                                    PWD-37 years (Persons with Disability)

Engineering Vacancies ICAR

Engineering Vacancies ICAR
ICAR-National Institute of Veterinary Epidemiology & Disease Informatics
Ramagondanahalli, Yelahanka, Bengaluru -560 064

F.No.12-22/NIVEDI/20-21/Vol – IV Dt.11.11.2021

Invites applications for the following posts

100 ITI Vacancies in THDC India Limited

100 ITI Vacancies in THDC India Limited
Post : ITI Trade Apprentice
Vacancy :Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA) 26
                Stenographer/Secretarial Assistant 26
                Wireman 05
                Fitter 07
                Electrician 19
                Electronics Mechanic 04
                Welder (Gas & Electric) 02
                Mechanic (Diesel) 02
                Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) 02
                Mechanic (Earth Moving Machinery) 02
                Mechanic (Repair & Maintenance of Heavy Vehicle 02
                Mechanic(Repair & Maintenance of Light Vehicle) 03

NFL 113 Engineering Vacancies

NFL 113 Engineering Vacancies

Post : Junior Engineering Assistant (Production/Instrumentation/Electrical) and Loco Attendant

Vacancy : Junior Engineering Assistant (Production)87
                 Junior Engineering Assistant (Instrumentation) 15
                 Junior Engineering Assistant (Electrical) 07
                 Loco Attendant Gr-II 04

Age :18 to 30 years
Pay scale : Rs.23000 – 56500/-

146 Civil Electrical Mechanical Chemical Electronics and Communication Computer Engineering Jobs

146 Civil Electrical Mechanical Chemical Electronics and Communication Computer Engineering Jobs
Oil India Limited (OIL)


Oil India Limited (OIL) invites applications from eligible candidates from its production and exploration areas in the districts of Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Sivasagar and Charaideo in Assam and Changlang district in Arunachal Pradesh for recruitment of workpersons in following posts at OIL, Field Headquarters, Duliajan as per details given hereunder. In addition to the above, applications are also invited from eligible Diploma apprentice candidate(s) who have successfully undergone and completed apprenticeship training in the relevant discipline in Oil India Limited and possess Certificate of Proficiency issued by Board of Practical Training (BOPT), Eastern Region, Kolkata. The following posts will entail working in shifts involving arduous and hazardous nature of jobs in remote/far-flung OIL installations in the production and exploration areas of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

Be B.Tech Engineering Vacancies 50K Salary

Be B.Tech Engineering Vacancies 50K Salary

National Centre for Polar & Ocean Research (NCPOR), an autonomous society under Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, invites applications for engagement of Senior Consultant and Consultant through online interview for various activities relating to conduct and management of India International Science Festival, 2021. The details of the posts are given below:

60000 Salary Engineering Jobs

60000 Salary Engineering Jobs

National Centre for Polar & Ocean Research (NCPOR), an autonomous society under Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, invites applications for engagement of Senior Consultant and Consultant through online interview for various activities relating to conduct and management of India International Science Festival, 2021. The details of the posts are given below:

NIELIT Engineering Vacancies- 67700- 208700 Salary

NIELIT Engineering Vacancies- 67700- 208700 Salary

National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT)
An Autonomous Scientific Society of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India
NIELIT Bhawan, Plot No. 3, PSP Pocket, Sector-8, Dwarka, New Delhi-110077.
Phone 011-23644149, 23644849

(Advertisement Number: NIELIT/NDL/MeitY/2021/2

invites online applications from suitable Indian Nationals for appointment to the following  positions.

1. Scientist-‘C’ (General Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial (Scientific & Technical))
Scale of Pay/ Level in Pay Matrix:

Level – 11, (Rs.67700- 208700)

355 Technician apprentice and Trade Apprentice Vacancies

355 Technician apprentice and Trade Apprentice Vacancies
Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), a listed premier Mini Ratna Company of Govt of India, Invites applications from eligible Vocational/ITI certificate holders, for undergoing one year Apprenticeship training under the Apprentices Act 1961

2495 Engineering Diploma and ITI jobs-IOCL

2495 Engineering Diploma and ITI jobs-IOCL
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Refineries Division

Indian Oil Corporation Limited, one of the largest commercial undertaking in India and a Fortune “Global 500” Company, as a measure of Skill Building Initiative for the Nation, invites applications from candidates for engagement as Apprentices at its Refineries under Apprentices Act, 1961/1973 (as amended) in the Trade / Discipline mentioned below. Educational Qualification, Number of seats in Apprentice category including likely reservation (as per the prescribed reservation of the concerned state) and other eligibility criteria / parameters shall be as under:

60 Engineering and other qualification jobs

60 Engineering and other qualification jobs
Vacancies: 30 

For NSQF Level 1 and 2 Courses:
ÿ 10th pass with 8 years of experience or
ÿ 12th pass with 7 years of experience or
ÿ ITI with 5 years of experience or
ÿ Diploma in Engineering /Graduate in Sciences with 3
years of experience or
ÿ Graduate in Engineering with 1 year of experience

For NSQF Level 3 and 4 Courses:
ÿ ITI with 10 years of experience or
ÿ Diploma in Engineering /Graduate in Sciences with 5
years of experience or
ÿ Graduate in Engineering with 2 year of experience

Training Assistant

Vacancies: 30 

Civil and Mechanical Engineering and ITI Vacancies

Civil and Mechanical Engineering and ITI Vacancies

Engineering Vacancies

12. Mechanical Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 03
13. Civil Engineering Diploma in Civil Engineering 01
ITI Vacancies

1. Fitter ITI Pass in concerned Trade 01
2. Electrician ITI Pass in concerned Trade 03
3. Carpenter ITI Pass in concerned Trade 01
4. Plumber ITI Pass in concerned Trade 01
5. Instrument Mechanic ITI Pass in concerned Trade 02
6. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning ITI Pass in concerned Trade 04
7. Draughtsman (Civil) ITI Pass in concerned Trade 01
8. Electronic Mechanic ITI Pass in concerned Trade 02
9. COPA ITI Pass in concerned Trade 15
10. Turner ITI Pass in concerned Trade 01
11. Welder ITI Pass in concerned Trade 01
Vacancies under Board of Apprenticeship & Training (BOAT), Mumbai

NARL Engineering Vacancies- 56K-1.77Lakh Salary

NARL Engineering Vacancies- 56K-1.77Lakh Salary

Post: Scientist / Engineer

Basic Pay – Rs.56100/- p.m in L – 10 (Rs.56100 – 177500/-) Plus TA and HRA as admissible [Reserved for PWD (OH or HI)] [OH – Orthopedically Handicapped, HI – Hearing Impaired]

BE BTech ME M.Tech in Electronics Engineering Jobs

BE BTech ME M.Tech in Electronics Engineering Jobs
Faculty for Electronics Engineering
BE BTech ME M.Tech in Electronics Engineering Jobs Essential Qualification: –
B.E./B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech in Electronics Engineering or equivalent.

Age- Below 60 Years Experience-Should have expertise in imparting technical training in the field of microcontroller and allied electronics subjects for at least 01 year.

20 Engineering Vacancies in ITI Limited

20 Engineering Vacancies in ITI Limited

DRDO 21 Engineering Vacancies for Freshers

DRDO 21 Engineering Vacancies for Freshers

Vacancy : Graduate Apprentice11
                Technician Apprentice 10

Age :As per Apprenticeship rules
Pay scale
Graduate Apprentice Rs.9000/- Per Month
 Technician Apprentice Rs.8000/- Per Month

113 Electrical/Electronics/Tele Communication/Computer Science/Information Technology BE BTech Jobs

113 Electrical/Electronics/Tele Communication/Computer Science/Information Technology BE BTech Jobs
Post :Assistant Engineer Trainee

Vacancy : Electrical 75
                Electronics/ Tele Communication  14
                Computer Science/Information Technology  24

Age :21 to 40 years
Pay scale : Rs.59500/- Level –10

MIDHANI Engineering Vacancies for Freshers

MIDHANI Engineering Vacancies for Freshers

Post :Graduate Apprentice/Diploma Apprentice

Vacancy : Graduate Apprentice40
                 Diploma Apprentice30

Age :As per Apprenticeship Rules
Pay scale :Graduate Apprentice Rs.9000/- (Per Month)
                  Diploma Apprentice Rs.8000/- (Per Month)