BEL 50 BE BTech Engineering Graduate Apprentice Job opportunities

BEL 50 BE BTech Engineering Graduate Apprentice Job opportunities

Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL)
Government of India
Invites applications for the post of Graduate Apprentice

Graduate Apprentice Job description:

Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL)Department under Government of India recruiting Graduate Apprentice in the month of September 2022. They are 50 Graduate Apprentice Vacancy.The application can submit before 19/09/2022. The minimum qualification required for the Graduate Apprentice post is B.E/B.Tech in Mechanical/Computer Science/Electronics/Civil Engineering and The Selection will be based on n merit of percentage of marks obtain by candidate in Interview conducted by BEL Ghaziabad.

Post:Graduate Apprentice

Vacancy :Mechanical Engineering 20

Computer Science (Computer Science & Engineering, Computer Science &Technology ,Computer Technology & Computer Engineering) 10

Electronics (Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering & Electronics) 10

Civil Engineering 10

Age :25 Years

Pay scale :Rs.11,100/-
BEL 50 BE BTech Engineering Graduate Apprentice Job opportunities

Graduate Apprentice Qualification & experience :

B.E/B.Tech in Mechanical/Computer Science/Electronics/Civil Engineering.

BEL 50 BE BTech Engineering Graduate Apprentice Job opportunities Selection Process :  

The Selection will be based on n merit of percentage of marks obtain by candidate in Interview conducted by BEL Ghaziabad.

Important Dates for Graduate Apprentice Recruitment: 

Last date for submission of online application   19 September  2022

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BEL Graduate Apprentice BE BTech Engineering Job opportunities 11000 Salary