BECIL 70K Salary Civil ElectricalBCA BSC MCA MSc BE BTech Diploma Computer Information Technology Bio Medical Engineering Job Opportunities

BECIL 70K Salary Civil ElectricalBCA BSC MCA MSc BE BTech Diploma Computer Information Technology Bio Medical Engineering Job Opportunities

Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL)
Government of  India
Advertisement No: 195
Invites applications for the post of IT Engineer/Biomedical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer

IT Engineer/Biomedical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer Job description:

Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) Department under Government of India recruiting IT Engineer/Biomedical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer in the month of September 2022.They are 04 IT Engineer/Biomedical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer Vacancy.The application can submit before 05/10/2022. The minimum qualification required for the IT Engineer/Biomedical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer post is BCS or BCA, BSC (Computer) or Diploma or MCS or MCA or MSC (Computer) or M.Sc. (IT) or B.E/B.Tech in Computer Engineering/information Technology or Bio Medical Engineering/Civil/Electrical Engineering  and The Selection will be based on Written Test/ Skill Test/ Interview.

Post: IT Engineer/Biomedical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer

Vacancy : IT Engineer  01

Biomedical Engineer  01

Civil Engineer  01

Electrical Engineer  01

Age :IT Engineer   45 years

Biomedical Engineer  45 years

Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer  40 years

Pay scale :IT Engineer   Rs. 50,000/-
Biomedical Engineer   Rs.Rs.70,000/-
Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer  Rs.35,400/-
BECIL 70K Salary Civil ElectricalBCA BSC MCA MSc BE BTech Diploma Computer Information Technology Bio Medical Engineering Job Opportunities

IT Engineer/Biomedical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer Qualification & experience :

BCS or BCA, BSC (Computer) or 1st Class Diploma in Computer Engineering/information Technology of at least 3 years full time duration or at least 2 years full time duration in case of lateral admission in diploma course from Government recognized institute and 3 years in the AMC maintenance related activities installation of various software required related to server, PC, Printer, Scanner, Conference room equipment’s networking etc. in government/PSU/State PSU organization or medium /large private sector organization OR MCS or MCA or MSC (Computer) or M.Sc. (IT) or B.E/B.Tech. in Computer Engineering/ information technology from Government recognized institute technology and 1 years in the AMC maintenance related activities installation of various software required related to server PC, Printer, scanner, Conference room equipment’s networking etc. in Government/ PSU/State PSU organization or medium/large private sector organization.or B.E./B.Tech in Bio Medical Engineering from a recognized Institution/University. OR Diploma in Bio Medical Engineering from a recognized institution with 2 years’ experience in relevant field. or B.E./B.Tech in Civil/Electrical Engineering from a recognized Institution/University with 2 years’ experience in relevant field. OR Diploma in Civil/Electrical Engineering from a recognized institution with 5 years’ experience in relevant field.

BECIL 70K Salary Civil ElectricalBCA BSC MCA MSc BE BTech Diploma Computer Information Technology Bio Medical Engineering Job Opportunities Selection Process :  

The Selection will be based on Written Test/ Skill Test/ Interview.

Important Dates for IT Engineer/Biomedical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer Recruitment:  

Last date for submission of application   05 October  2022

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BECIL 70K Salary BCS BCA BSC MCS MCA MSc BE BTech Diploma Computer Information Technology Bio Medical Civil Electrical Engineering Job Opportunities