BCom and BA in Visual Arts Fine Arts Commercial Arts job opportunities

BCom and BA in Visual Arts Fine Arts Commercial Arts job opportunities

Supervisor Trainee (Finance) job description:

Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited department as under the Government of India recruiting Supervisor Trainee (Finance) in the month of March 2021 .There are 40 Supervisor Trainee (Finance) vacancy .The application can be submitted before 26/04/2021 The minimum qualification required for the Supervisor Trainee (Finance) post is Bachelor Degree in Commerce (B.Com) and the Selection will be based on Merit.

Post :Supervisor Trainee (Finance)
Vacancy: 40

Age :As per BHEL rules

Pay scale : As per rules
Supervisor Trainee (Finance) Qualification & experience :
Bachelor Degree in Commerce (B.Com) form recognized University.

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BCom and BA in Visual Arts Fine Arts Commercial Arts job opportunities

BCom and BA in Visual Arts Fine Arts Commercial Arts job opportunities

Exhibition Assistant job description:

National Council of Science Museums department as under the Government of West Bengal recruiting Exhibition Assistant in the month of March 2021 .They are 02 Exhibition Assistant vacancy .The application can be submit before 09/04/2021  The minimum qualification required for the Exhibition Assistant post is Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts/Fine Arts/Commercial Arts. and the Selection will be based on Aptitude Test/Trade Test.

Post :Exhibition Assistant

Vacancy: 02
Age  :35 years
Pay scale : Rs.29,200 – 92,300/- Level 5

Exhibition Assistant Qualification & experience :

Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts/Fine Arts/Commercial Arts.

Click here for Official Notification and Details