RRB Ministerial and Isolated 1036 Various Job Vacancies

RRB Ministerial and Isolated 1036 Various Job Vacancies
Indian Railway, Railway Recruitment Board RRB Ministerial and Isolated Post Recruitment CEN 07/2024. Those candidates who are interested in this Railway RRB CEN 07/2024 can apply online from 07 January 2025 to 06 February 2025. Read the notification for RRB Ministerial and Isolated Post, PGT Teacher, TGT Teacher, Technician and Other Various Post eligibility, post information, selection procedure, Details, age limit, pay scale and all other information.

Kerala PSC 82 Various Engineering,Teachers,Nursing and Other Job Opportunities

Kerala PSC 82 Various Engineering,Teachers,Nursing and Other Job Opportunities
Kerala Public Service Commission (Kerala PSC) has published a notification  for the recruitment of Field Assistant, Assistant Engineer & Other Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

NIT Electrical,Electronics,Electronics and communication,Computer science,Electronics and Instrumentation and Telecommunication Engineering Jobs

NIT Electrical,Electronics,Electronics and communication,Computer science,Electronics and Instrumentation and Telecommunication Engineering Jobs
The National Institute of Technology, Silchar (NIT) has released the latest job notification for the 01 Junior Research Fellow Jobs. Aspirants who have qualified with a BE/ B. Tech, or ME/ M. Tech are eligible to apply for the NIT Silchar Recruitment 2024.

625 Draughtsman,Pharmacist,Electrician,Fireman And Other Job Opportunities

625 Draughtsman,Pharmacist,Electrician,Fireman And Other Job Opportunities
 Directorate General of Electronics and Mechanical Engineers (DG EME) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Group C (Electrician,Telecom Mechanic,Tradesman Mate & Other) Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply.

Meghalaya PSC 61 Inspector,Primary Investigator and Field Assistant 10th 12th Graduate Job Opportunities

Meghalaya PSC 61 Inspector,Primary Investigator and Field Assistant 10th 12th Graduate Job Opportunities
Meghalaya Public Service Commission (Meghalaya PSC) has announced a notification for the recruitment of Inspector, Primary Investigator & Field Assistant vacancies. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply.

BSF 252 Assistant Sub Inspector and Havildar and Head Constable Job Opportunities 25,500-92,300 Salary

BSF 252 Assistant Sub Inspector and Havildar and Head Constable Job Opportunities 25,500-92,300 Salary
Border Security Force (BSF) has officially declared the notification for Head Constable and Havildar Jobs. There are 252 posts declared by the BSF Recruitment 2024 through the official website. Eligible and interested candidates can apply offline for BSF Jobs 2024 on or before the last date of application.

MPESB 881 Staff Nurse and Paramedical Job Opportunities

MPESB 881 Staff Nurse and Paramedical Job Opportunities
Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board MPESB Released Group-5 Staff Nurse , Paramedical and Other Post Combined Recruitment Test – 2024. Those candidates who are interested in this MP ESB Paramedical Group 5 Various Post Recruitment 2025 Examination can Apply Online 30/12/2024 to 13/01/2025. Read the notification for MPESB Group 5 eligibility, Group 5 information, selection procedure, age limit details, and all other information.

NID Assistant Engineer,Supervisor,Associate Senior Technical Instructor and Other Jobs 44,676-68,697 Salary

NID Assistant Engineer,Supervisor,Associate Senior Technical Instructor and Other Jobs 44,676-68,697 Salary
The National Institute of Design has invited applicants to apply offline for the positions of Assistant Engineer and Other Jobs for 12 vacancies. Candidates should be qualified with a 10th Pass, Any Degree, BE/B.Tech, Diploma or ITI. Those applicants can visit the official website and apply offline for the NID Recruitment for 2024 on or before the last date of the application. 

46 Junior Engineer – Civil,Electrical,Programmer,Upper Division Clerk and Other Job Opportunities RGNAU

46 Junior Engineer – Civil,Electrical,Programmer,Upper Division Clerk and Other Job Opportunities RGNAU
Rajiv Gandhi National Aviation University (RGNAU) has announced notification for the recruitment of Non Faculty Group B & C Vacancy on direct recruitment, failing which by deputation basis. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

BECIL B.Sc or Diploma Chemical Engineering and ITI Fitter,Electrician,Instrument Mechanic Job Opportunities 12,360-40,000 Salary

BECIL B.Sc or Diploma Chemical Engineering and ITI Fitter,Electrician,Instrument Mechanic Job Opportunities 12,360-40,000 Salary
Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited has invited applications in offline mode for the post of Fitter, Electrician and Burner Jobs. Interested candidates can apply offline on or before the last date of the application. Candidates should be qualified with Diploma, B.Sc or ITI. Candidates need to visit the official notification and check the eligibility criteria before applying.

AAI 89 – 10th 10+2 Diploma Mechanical,Automobile and Fire Engineering Job Opportunities

AAI 89 – 10th 10+2 Diploma Mechanical,Automobile and Fire Engineering Job Opportunities
AAI (Airports Authority of India) has invited online applications for the recruitment of Junior Assistant posts. A total of 89 positions have to be filled through the AAI Recruitment 2024. Eligible and interested candidates can apply online for Across India Jobs of AAI Jobs on or before the last date of application.

Cochin Shipyard Limited 224 Fabrication Assistant and Outfit Assistant ITI Job Opportunities

Cochin Shipyard Limited 224 Fabrication Assistant and Outfit Assistant ITI Job Opportunities
Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) has given an employment Notification for the recruitment of Fabrication Assistants & Outfit Assistant Vacancy on Contract basis. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

UPPSC Combined State Engineering Services Exam Recruitment 2024 – Apply Online for 604 Posts

UPPSC Combined State Engineering Services Exam Recruitment 2024 – Apply Online for 604 Posts
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has invites an application for the recruitment of  Assistant Engineer, UP Agriculture Service Group-‘B’ Grade-2 & Assistant Director Vacancies through Combined State Engineering Services (General Recruitment/ Special Recruitment) Examination-2024. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

Oil India Limited Mechanical,Electrical,Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Job Opportunities 98,000 Salary

Oil India Limited Mechanical,Electrical,Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Job Opportunities 98,000 Salary
Oil India Limited (OIL) has released the latest job notification for the 01 Consultant Vacancy. Candidates who are qualified in BE/B.Tech are eligible to apply for the OIL Recruitment 2024. Interested and Eligible Candidates can apply on or before the last date.

DMRCL Supervisor Electrical Engineering Job Opportunities 35,400-1,60,000 Salary

DMRCL Supervisor Electrical Engineering Job Opportunities 35,400-1,60,000 Salary
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited has released the job notification for the vacancies of 05 Supervisor Jobs. Those who are qualified with the Diploma can send the application forms along with the relevant documents to the address below. Candidates need to check the eligibility criteria before applying. Here we provide complete information about the notification in detail.

OPSC Associate Professor – Civil,Electrical,Mechanical,Workshop superintendent,Computer Science and Engineering Job Opportunities 1,31,400 Salary

OPSC Associate Professor – Civil,Electrical,Mechanical,Workshop superintendent,Computer Science and Engineering Job Opportunities 1,31,400 Salary

44,000-89,600 Salary Diploma Civil and Mechanical Engineering Job Opportunities UPMRCL

44,000-89,600 Salary Diploma Civil and Mechanical Engineering Job Opportunities UPMRCL
Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited (UPMRCL) has announced a new job notification for the 02 Senior System Analyst Vacancies. Candidates who are qualified for Diploma must utilize the chance of the UPMRCL Recruitment 2024. Eligible Candidates can apply on or before the last date of 06th November 2024.

Electrical,ECE,Computer Science,Mechanical Engineering,ITI and Other Job Opportunities 21,700-35,400 Salary

Electrical,ECE,Computer Science,Mechanical Engineering,ITI and Other Job Opportunities 21,700-35,400 Salary
National Institute of Technology Meghalaya has announced the job notification for the vacancies of 10 Technical Assistant, Technician and Other Jobs. They are looking for candidates with the qualifications of Any Degree, BE/B.Tech, Diploma, 12th, ITI or Post Graduation. Those aspirants who meet the eligibility criteria can visit the official website and apply online for the NIT Meghalaya Recruitment for 2024. Candidates should apply online on or before the last date of the application. 

NHM BE B.Tech Computer Science,IT,Electronics or BCA MCA MBA Job Opportunities

NHM BE B.Tech Computer Science,IT,Electronics or BCA MCA MBA Job Opportunities
National Health Mission, Akola (NHM) has published the latest job notification for 01 Project Coordinator Jobs. Aspirants qualified in BE/ B. Tech, MBA or MCA are eligible to apply for the Posts. Qualified Candidates can send the application for the NHM Akola Recruitment on or before 15th October 2024.

Electrical Electronics Computer Science ECE IT Engineering Job Opportunities

Electrical Electronics Computer Science ECE IT Engineering Job Opportunities
RailTel Corporation of India Limited (RailTel) has introduced the latest job notification for the 25 Deputy Manager, Manager and Senior Manager Jobs. Aspirants who have qualified in BE/B.Tech, B.Sc, M.Sc or MCA are eligible to apply for the Posts. Eligible Candidates can apply on or before the last date. Interested Candidates can check more details like educational qualification, pay scale, age limit, selection process, application fee, how to apply, and important dates mentioned below and apply for the RailTel Recruitment 2024.

BEL 45 Project Engineer – Electronics,Mechanical and Computer Science Job Opportunities

BEL 45 Project Engineer – Electronics,Mechanical and Computer Science Job Opportunities
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has issued a new job notification for the positions of Project Engineer Jobs with 45 Vacancies. Aspirants who have to possess a BE/B.Tech must grab the chance of the BEL Recruitment 2024. Qualified Candidates can apply online easily before the last date of the application.

JNU Librarian and Superintending Engineer Civil and Electrical Job Opportunities 1,23,100-2,18,200 Salary

JNU Librarian and Superintending Engineer Civil and Electrical Job Opportunities 1,23,100-2,18,200 Salary
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has published the latest job notification for the position of Librarian and Superintending Engineer Jobs. Candidates who have qualified for BE/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech or M.Sc must grab the chance of the JNU Recruitment 2024.

Mechanical,Production,Metallurgy Engineering Job Opportunities 37,000-42,000 Salary

Mechanical,Production,Metallurgy Engineering Job Opportunities 37,000-42,000 Salary
National Institute of Technology, Warangal (NIT) has released the latest job notification for the post of Junior Research Fellow with 01 Vacancy. Aspirants who have qualified for a BE/ B. Tech, or ME/ M. Tech are eligible to apply for the NIT Warangal Recruitment 2024. Qualified Candidates can apply on or before the last date.

AAU Consultant Executive Engineer – Civil Job Opportunities 50,000 Salary

AAU Consultant Executive Engineer – Civil Job Opportunities 50,000 Salary
Assam Agricultural University (AAU) has released the latest job notification for the position of Consultant Executive Engineer Jobs with 01 Vacancy. Candidates who have qualified in BE/B.Tech or Diploma must utilize the chance of the AAU Recruitment 2024. Qualified Candidates can send the applications before the last date of the application.

CEL Diploma,B.Sc Electrical,Electronics,Mechanical Engineering and ITI Job Opportunities 19,000-75,000 Salary

CEL Diploma,B.Sc Electrical,Electronics,Mechanical Engineering and ITI Job Opportunities 19,000-75,000 Salary
Central Electronics Limited (CEL) has rolled out the latest job notification for the 17 Technician and Junior Technical Assistant Jobs. Aspirants who have to possess a 10th, ITI, Diploma or B.Sc are eligible to apply for the CEL Recruitment 2024 before the closing date of the application.

TMC Computer Network Engineer – Computers,Electronics and Electrical Job Opportunities 35,000-45,000 Salary

TMC Computer Network Engineer – Computers,Electronics and Electrical Job Opportunities 35,000-45,000 Salary
Tata Memorial Centre has announced the official notification for the vacancies of Computer Network Engineer Jobs. They are conducting walk-in interviews for the candidates who are qualified with the BE/B.Tech, or Diploma. Candidates who meet the above eligibility criteria can directly attend the interview for the TMC Recruitment for 2024.

BEL Project Engineer – Electrical,Civil and Mechanical Job Opportunities 40,000-55,000 Salary

BEL Project Engineer – Electrical,Civil and Mechanical Job Opportunities 40,000-55,000 Salary
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has issued a new job notification for the positions of Project Engineer Jobs with 05 Vacancies. Aspirants who have to possess a BE/B.Tech or B.Sc must grab the chance of the BEL Recruitment 2024. Qualified Candidates can apply online before the last date of the application.

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2025 – Apply Online for 13735 Posts

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2025 – Apply Online for 13735 Posts
State Bank of India (SBI) has advertised a notification for the recruitment of Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) in Clerical Cadre vacancy. Those Candidates who are Interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can read the notification & Apply online.