AIIMS Nursing Officer Exam Model Question Paper with Answers from Question No. 21 to 35 is published here. The earlier 20 Questions published at You can view all 50 Questions with Answers in pdf,. format. The Pdf. file link provided below
21. A community health nurse should ensure adequate drug supply to the PHC. This is a specific intervention strategy coming under
(a) Primordial prevention
(b) Primary prevention
(c) Secondary prevention
(d) Tertiary prevention
22. Blood sample for filarial examination should be taken at around
(a) early morning (b) mid noon
(c) evening (d) mid night
23. Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD) is caused by
(a) Mycovirus (b) Paramyxovirus
(c) Arbovirus (d) Flavi virus
24. Diagnostic test for typhus disease is
(a) Shick test (b) Weil Felix test
(c) Spatula test (d) ELISA
25. The waste from a community containing solid and liquid excreta is known as
(a) Sewage (b) Sullage
(c) Sludge (d) Scum
26. The method which is used to remove both temporary and permanent hardness of water is
(a) Permutit process (b) Boiling
(c) Chlorination (d) Adding lime
27. Which of the following is a typical antipsychotic drug?
(a) Clogapine (b) Risperidone
(c) Escitalopram (d) Haloperidol
28. A client admitted to a mental health care unit is diagnosed with catatonic schizophrenia. Which of the following symptoms, the nurse should expect to elicit by this client?
(a) Delusion of persecution, delusion of jealousy, aciditory hallucinations
(b) Waxy flexibility, stereotyped movements, echolalia
(c) Apathy, blunt affect, pacicity of speech
(d) Lack of hygiene, social withdrawal, suicidal ideations
29. Sundowner’s syndrome is a characteristic feature of dementia which is manifested by all the following, except
(a) drowsiness (b) confusion
(c) ataxia (d) agitation
30. Unconscious channelization of unacceptable impulses into personally satisfying and socially valuable behavioural pattern is called as
(a) Supression (b) Sublimation
(c) Rationalisation (d) Substitution
31. A mentally retarded child visiting a mental health care unit seems to be dependent for every activities. This child’s IQ range must be (a) 50-70 (b) 35-50
(c) 20-35 (d) less than 20
32. A client admitted in a mental health care unit seems to count his collection of coins in his bag repeatedly and keep it secretly. The nurse
understands this is an obsessive behavior and it is became of
(a) The client forgets the total amount of money
(b) Helps to relieve his severe anxiety
(c) The client don’t want to share it with anybody
(d) Damage to limbic system in the brain

33. An 18 year old female client tells to a nurse about her severe anxiety and fear towards spiders. The nurse analyses her problem as
(a) Zoophobia (b) Nyctophobia
(c) Arachnophobia (d) Agoraphobia
34. A client admitted to mental health care unit with diagnosis of schizophrenia. He was under antipsychotic drug therapy with haloperidol and clozapine. On set of which of the following symptom will make the nurse alert to monitor for occurrence of extrapyramidal symptom?
(a) Acute dystonia
(b) Constipation
(c) Sialorrhea
(d) Orthostatic hypotension
35. A client admitted to a mental health care unit have complains of severe fatigue and insomnia. She several the nurse that she can’t concentrate on her work and feeling of worthlessness. The nurses suspects that the client may be suffering from
(a) Depression
(b) Catatonic stupor
(c) Panic disorder
(d) Schizophrenia
AIIMS Nursing Officer Previous Question Papers with Answers PDF
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