AIESL 100 Various Engineering and ITI Job Opportunities

AIESL 100 Various Engineering and ITI Job Opportunities

Post:Aircraft Technician and Technician

Vacancy :100
Age : General/EWS-35 Yrs., OBC-38 Yrs. and SC/ST-40 Yrs.
AIESL 100 Various Engineering and ITI Job Opportunities

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Complete Recruitment details

AI  Engineering Services Limited (AIESL)
Government. of India
Advertisement No:  AIESL/NR/HR/ 62
Invites applications for the post of Aircraft Technician and Technician

Aircraft Technician and Technician job description:

AI  Engineering Services Limited (AIESL) Technician Jobs for 100 vacancies. Candidates who are qualified with an ITI, Diploma, BE/ B. Tech are eligible to apply for the AI  Engineering Services Limited (AIESL)  Recruitment 2024. Candidates can visit the official website and apply online on or before the last date of the application. Candidates need to check the eligibility criteria before applying for the above posts.

Aircraft Technician and Technician Qualification & experience :

Aircraft Technician – Maintenance / Overhaul & Avionics : AME Diploma/Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (02 Or 03 years) in Mechanical stream from Institutions approved by DGCA under Rule 133B with 60% marks/equivalent grade (55% or equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC candidates). Candidates from DGCA approved AME Training Institutes who are eligible, as per current list. OR Diploma   in   Engineering    (3    years)    in Mechanical /Aeronautical Engineering or equivalent recognized by Central/State Government with 60% marks/equivalent grade (55% or equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC candidates).
Candidates must have minimum One Year Aviation experience in Aircraft Maintenance/ Overhaul & Avionics  including current experience of ongoing Apprenticeship training under Apprenticeship Act Or Successful completion of national apprenticeship in the concerned trade in Aircraft Maintenance. (Minimum One Year duration)
Aircraft Technician – Avionics/Electrical/ Instrumental/ Radio : AME Diploma/Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (02 Or 03 years) in Avionics stream from Institutions approved by DGCA under Rule 133B with 60% marks/equivalent grade (55% or equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC candidates). (Candidates from DGCA approved AME Training Institutes who are eligible, as per current list). or Diploma in Engineering (3 years) in Electrical/Electronics/Telecommunication/Radio/ Instrumentation  Engineering  or equivalent recognized by Central/State Government with 60% marks/equivalent grade (55% or equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC candidates).
Candidates must have Minimum One Year Aviation experience in  Aircraft Maintenance./ Overhaul Shops including current experience of ongoing Apprenticeship training under Apprenticeship Act  Or Successful completion of national apprenticeship in  the concerned trade in Aircraft Maintenance. (Minimum  One Year duration)
Technician  -Fitter/Sheet Metal  – Carpenter – Upholstery – Welder  : ITI in concerned trade, recognized by Central/State Government or NCVT in applicable Trade
Two Years  in  Relevant Trade in Industry  (inclusive of experience Prior to NCVT ) or One Year experience in Aviation (inclusive of experience prior to NCVT)
Technician  – X-Ray/NDT : B.Sc. (Physics) OR Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/ Electronic Engineering OR BE (B.Tech) in Mechanical/ Electrical/ OR Electronic Engineering
Pay scale :Rs.28000/-  per month

Aircraft Technician and Technician Selection Process :

The Selection Process will be based on Skill Test/Trade Test and Technical Assessment & Personal Interview.

HOW TO APPLY:-  Interested  candidates  meeting  eligibility criteria  mentioned  in  this  advertisement as on 01.02.2024,  are required to apply  to submit their scanned application form duly filled in all respect alongwith the receipt of application fee (if applicable) and the necessary documents  through the given which   is   also   available on our website within  the  time  frame indicated, along with the duly filled in Application  form, requisite  documents.  The non- refundable application fee of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) for General , EWS and OBC candidates towards the application/ processing fees by means of RTGS/NEFT as per the Bank Details given below:
“AI Engineering Services Ltd
A/C NO : 41102631800
IFSC :    SBIN0000691
Branch : New Delhi Main Branch, 11, Parliament Street , New Delhi – 110001

Important Dates for Aircraft Technician and Technician Recruitment:

Last date for submission of online application  23 February 2024

Important Links

Click here for Apply Online

Click here for Official Notification

AIESL 100 Various Engineering and ITI Job Opportunities

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