Above 1 Lakh Salary BE BTech Diploma Civil Engineering Job Opportunities IRCON

Above 1 Lakh Salary BE BTech Diploma Civil Engineering Job Opportunities IRCON

Indian Railway Construction Company Limited (IRCON)
Government of India
Advt. No. C-13/2022
Invites applications for the post of Site Manager

Site Manager Job description:

Indian Railway Construction Company Limited (IRCON) Department under Government of India recruiting Site Manager in the month of October 2022.They are 16 Site Manager Vacancy.The application can submit before 05/11/2022. The minimum qualification required for the Site Manager post is B.E./B.Tech in Civil OR Full Time Diploma in Civil Engineering  and The Selection will be based on written Exam and /or interview of shortlisted candidates.

Site Manager Qualification & experience :

B.E./B.Tech in Civil OR Full Time Diploma in Civil Engineering.
At Least 10 Years of experience in construction management supervision or process management of ballast less track.

Post: Site Manager

Vacancy :16

Age :45 Years

Pay scale :Rs. 1,10,000/- per month
Above 1 Lakh Salary BE BTech Diploma Civil Engineering Job Opportunities IRCON

Above 1 Lakh Salary BE BTech Diploma Civil Engineering Job Opportunities IRCON Selection Process :  

The Selection will be based on written Exam and /or interview of shortlisted candidates.
Note : How to apply: Application typed on A-4 size paper in the format given at the end of the advertisement should be addressed and sent to JGM/HRM, Ircon International Ltd. as per address given in table below accompanied with the self-attested photocopies of the following documents:
a) Matriculation Certificate (for age proof).
b) Certificate of Degree/Diploma and other qualifications as mentioned and as per eligibility conditions. Candidates, who have been awarded CGPA/OGPA/DGPA in place of marks in degree, should submit proof of conversion factor as applicable to percentage as prescribed by the University/Institute.
c) Certificates of other professional qualifications, if any.
d) Certificates in proof of experience, clearly indicating the length and line of experience as per eligibility conditions. Certificate/proof submitted in support of experience should clearly mention the date of joining & relieving. Offer letter alone will not be considered as proof of experience, the candidate should also submit last Two Months’ salary slip of present employer for proof of experience. e) Community certificate (SC, ST, OBC & EWS etc.), if applicable. Please note that candidates belonging to OBC category have to submit the latest financial year OBC (non-creamy layer) certificate in central Government format to be produced by OBC applying for appointment to posts under Govt. of India.
f) NOC from present employer if working in Govt./PSU/Autonomous Bodies.
g) Complete set of self-attested photocopies of all the above-mentioned certificates.

Important Dates for Above 1 Lakh Salary BE BTech Diploma Civil Engineering Job Opportunities IRCON: 

Last Date for submission of online application 05 November 2022

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IRCON BE BTech Diploma Civil Engineering Job Opportunities upto 1Lakh Salary