74 Engineering Job Opportunities in Ground Water and water Audit Department on Contract

74 Engineering Job Opportunities in Ground Water and water Audit Department on Contract

Post: Technical Assistant

Total Vacancy : 74 (Seventy Four)

Duties/Responsibilities: 1) Should perform field work as assigned and directed by his immediate controlling officer in GW & WAD department and shall have to collect field data pertaining to Resource audit and utilization audit in the sub basin assigned to him. 2) Should collect Field data of all components involving in the process of water auditing from the premises of assigned sub basin and also collect data from allied departmental offices 3) Should collect the primary as well as secondary data of a. Rainfall historical and present data from different sources b. Stream / river gauge data, ungagged data collection / estimations etc. c. Surface water (supply and demand both seasonal and annual, from MI Tanks, Reservoirs, Canals, Distributaries, LI Schemes etc.), inflow into the sub basin and out flow from sub basin d. Groundwater extraction structures data (tube wells / bore wells / filter point wells etc.) e. Surface water supply and demand with respect to Irrigation, cropping pattern, water release schedules etc. f. Surface water supply and demand for industrial use, Commercial use: metered/unmetered etc. g. Actual contemplated ayacut under surface water, IP created, IP utilized, gap ayacut, efficiency of the system. h. Groundwater availability, utilization by different sectors with permission and without permission from authority, groundwater recharge systems and condition and artificial recharge structures status etc. i. Domestic and drinking water supply, losses, efficiency by the RWS & S and MU AD departments j. Data for total water balance in the sub basin (supply/demand/sector wise/admin unit wise) k. Data of existing water conservation structures executed by different govt. agencies and NGOs, water availability in those structures and identification of additional scope for further water conservation in the sub basin l. Should collect periodic data of all the above-mentioned components systematically with in time, assisting the concerned basin Water Audit Officer including in field visiting, data compilation and data analysis with in the river sub basin. 4) The technical Assistant (Water Audit) shall have to identify and report about any areas regarding shortage of water supply, surplus of water source, problems in quality of water available in any area with support of collected data under the guidance of water Audit Officer in the Basin. 5) The technical Assistant (Water Audit) shall attend any water auditing activity in the basin which is assigned by the Deputy Director / Water Audit Officer/Nodal officer (water audit) from time to time in the assigned sub basin. 6) The technical Assistant (Water Audit) shall have to be participated punctually in all meetings and training programmes corresponding to water auditing which would be organized by the department from time to time. 7) After collection and analysis of the above said data, the Technical Assistant (Water Audit) would be able to present the Water Resources (Ground Water and Surface Water) Scenario of the river sub basin and also able to identify status of entire water resources stage either in deficit or surplus condition to meet all present needs in the sub basin, so as to 4 plan to meet all future needs of entire water resources system in the way of sustainable development of the sub basin. 8) The selected candidates shall work in the selected districts, if necessary, he/she may have to work anywhere in the state. 9) The candidate will be terminated form service without prior notice if his performance is found un satisfactory

Pay Scale:

Pay scale :Rs. 18,000/- per month
Salary : Rs. 18,000/- per month+ Tour Allowance : Rs. 5,000/- per month
(Depending on the tours performed)

74 Engineering Job Opportunities in Ground Water and water Audit Department on Contract required Qualification & experience :

Diploma in Civil Engineering from a Recognized Institute.
74 Engineering Job Opportunities in Ground Water and water Audit Department on Contract

Recruitment Information

Andhra Pradesh Ground Water Department (APGWD)
Government of  Andhra Pradesh
Invites applications for the post of Technical Assistant

Technical Assistant Job description:

Andhra Pradesh Ground Water Department (APGWD) Department under Government of  Andhra Pradesh recruiting Technical Assistant in the month of September 2022.They are 74 Technical Assistant Vacancy.The application can submit before 30/09/2022. The minimum qualification required for the Technical Assistant post is Diploma in Engineering Civil and The Selection will be based on Interview.

Duration of Contract :

From date of agreement to 31st March 2024, subject to the performance

74 Engineering Job Opportunities in Ground Water and water Audit Department on ContractSelection Process :  

The Selection will be based on Interview.
Note : Interested and eligible candidates shall download the application form from the website (www.apsgwd.ap.gov.in) Fill the application form and submit along with required certificates to the District Ground Water Officers of concerned districts by post or in person on or before 30.09.2022. 03:00 PM.

Important Dates for Technical Assistant Recruitment:  

Application download start date : 15.09.2022

Last date for submission of application   30 September  2022
Date of Interview   : 11 October 2022
Fill the application form and submit along with required certificates to the District Ground Water Officers of concerned districts by post or in person on or before 30.09.2022. 03:00 PM.

Click here for official notification

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