600 Nursing Officers Recruitment Notification 44900-142400 salary

600 Nursing Officers Recruitment Notification 44900-142400 salary


Computer Based Test (CBT) – 2023 for Recruitment of Nursing Officer

Online Application is invited for the online Computer Based Test (CBT) – 2023 for the recruitment of Nursing Officer at Level- 07 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 44900-142400)

Nursing Officer:

Total Vacancies: 600

600 GNM B.Sc Nursing Nursing Officers Recruitment June 2023

Minimum Age Limit:

Age Limit is between 18-40 years.
Age relaxation is admissible as per rules.

Pay scale :

Level- 07 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 44900-142400).

More Latest Nursing Vacancies


Nursing Officer Qualification & experience :

a. B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing / B.Sc. Nursing from an Institute or University recognized by Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council. OR B.Sc. (Post-Certificate)/Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing from an Institute or University recognized by Indian NursingCouncil/State Nursing Council. b. Registered as Nurse & Midwife with State/Indian Nursing Council.
a. Diploma in General Nursing Midwifery from an Indian Nursing Council recognized Institute/Board or Council. b. Registered as Nurse & Midwife in State/Indian Nursing Council. c. Two Years’ Experience in a minimum 50 bedded Hospital (registered with competent district medical authority) after acquiring the educational qualification. Remarks- The required two years of experience as in above is as an essential criterion and to be valid, the experience shall must be acquired after obtaining Essential Qualification, i.e. after completing residency period of the course, declaration of result & registration with State/Indian Nursing Council
Selection Method:
The Selection will be based on Written test/Interview.

B.Sc Nursing jobs

M.Sc Nursing jobs

600 Nursing Officers Recruitment Notification 44900-142400 salary DOCUMENTS REQUIRED ARE:

1. Latest scanned Passport Size Coloured Photograph of the candidate. 2. Scanned signature of the candidate. 3. Certificate showing the Date of Birth. 4. Caste certificate if applied under SC/ST/OBC/EWS category issued by the competent authority. 5. Disability Certificate, if applied under PWBD category issued by the competent authority. 6. Education qualification certificates and Mark sheets i.e. High School, Intermediate, and Professional Qualification etc. 7. Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council registration Certificate. 8. Experience certificates, if applicable. 9. Any other certificate as required to submit. 10. Those who are employed with the State/Central Govt./PSUs, must submit a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (NOC) from the employer at the time of document verification. Failure to submit NOC will lead to cancellation of candidature. Under special circumstances, submission of proof of acceptance of resignation by the current employer or proper relieving letter in original from respective employer may be considered as implied NOC

Important Dates for Recruitment:

The aspiring applicants satisfying the eligibility criteria in all respect can submit their application only through ONLINE mode. The application can be filled online through UPUMS website https://www.upums.ac.in from 19.05.2023 to 08.06.2023 up to 24:00 hrs.
Click here for apply online
Click here for official notification

UPUMS-Nursing-Officer Recruitment Notification

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