37500 Salary Staff Nurse Jobs in BECIL

37500 Salary Staff Nurse Jobs in BECIL

BROADCAST ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INDIA LIMITED Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse and Midwife

Post :Staff Nurse and Mid-wife

Vacancy :

Staff Nurse : 50

Mid-wife – 04


Age Limit :

Age Limit for the post of Staff Nurse is 45 years
37500 Salary Staff Nurse Jobs in BECIL
Pay Scale : Rs. 37500 /-Per Month

BECIL Staff Nurse and Mid-wife Qualification & experience :

B.SC. Nursing from recognized University /Institute with 02 years’ experience in a reputed Hospital/Nursing Home OR M.Sc. Nursing from recognized University/ Institute with 01 Year experience in a reputed Hospital/Nursing Home OR
Diploma in Nursing ( GNM) from recognized University /Institute with 04 years’ experience in a reputed Hospital/Nursing Home

BECIL Staff Nurse and Mid-wife Selection Process :    

Selection Will be Based on Written Exam and Interview
1. Selection will be made as per the prescribed norms and requirement of the job.
2. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the test/ written exam/ interview/ joining the duty on selection.
3. Application must be submittedONLINE only forthe above post.
4. For applying please visit the BECIL website www.becil.com. Go the ‘Careers Section’ and then click
‘Registration Form (Online)’. Please read ‘How to Apply’ carefully before proceeding to register and
online payment of fee. The instruction (How to Apply) for filling up the ONLINE Application/
Registration is attached below for reference.
5. Candidates are advised to view the BECIL website regularly after submitting their application
successfully for any notification/ updates.
6. Candidates must review their application forms carefully before final submission, BECIL will not accept
any request for changes to be made in the information submitted by the candidates wrongfully.

Application Fee:

General / OBC / Ex-Servicemen / Women: Rs.750
SC / ST / EWS / PH: Rs.450

Important Dates for BECIL Staff Nurse and Mid-wife Recruitment:   

Last Date for submission of online application 22 August 2021