34 Diploma and BE B.Tech Apprentice Vacancies

34 Diploma and BE B.Tech Apprentice Vacancies

Government of Karnataka
Advt No :CAl RIH RT I Apprentice/2021-22/0 1
Invites applications for the post of Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees/Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Trainee

Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees/Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Trainee job description:

DRDO- CAIR department under Government of  Karnataka recruiting Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees/Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Trainee in the month of November 2021.They are 34 Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees/Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Trainee Vacancy.The application can apply online before 10/12/2021. The minimum qualification required for the Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees/Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Trainee post is degree in engineering or technology or diploma in engineering or technology  and  The Selection will be based on r interview/ document verification.

Post :Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees/Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Trainee

Vacancy :
Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees  33
Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Trainee  01
34 Diploma and BE B.Tech Apprentice Vacancies
Age :
Minimum Age- 18 years,
Maximum Age – Unreserved category – 27 years
                                    OBC- 30 years
                                    SC/ST-32 years
                                    PWD-37 years (Persons with Disability)
Pay scale :
Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees  Rs 9000/- per month
Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Trainee  Rs 8000/- per month
Diploma or Degree Engineering or Technology Jobs in Karnataka

Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees/Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Trainee Qualification & experience :

A degree in engineering or technology granted by statutory University by an institution empowered to empowered award such degree by an Act of Parliament. OR
A diploma in engineering or technology granted by a State Council or Board of Technical Educational established by a State Government /by a University I by an Institute recognized by the State Government or Central Government as equivalent to a diploma/ Sandwich course student who is undergoing training in order that he/she may hold a diploma in Engg./Technology.

34 Diploma and BE B.Tech Apprentice Vacancies Selection Process :  

The Selection will be based on interview/ document verification.
Important Dates for Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees/Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship Trainee Recruitment:   
Starting Date for Submission Of Online Application 15 November 2021
Last Date for Submission Of Online Application 10 December 2021

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