238 Railway Job Opportunities for ITI and Diploma Mechanical Electrical Electronics Automobiles Engineering candidates

238 Railway Job Opportunities for ITI and Diploma Mechanical Electrical Electronics Automobiles Engineering candidates

General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE)
GDCE Notification No. : 01/2023 Dated : 24.03.2023
Online applications are invited from All serving regular railway employees of North Western Railway excluding RPF/RPSF employees for filling up vacancies against General Departmental Competitive Examination(GDCE) quota as per instructions issued vide Railway Board’s letter no. E(NG)I-92 /PM 2/16 dated 20-08-1993 (RBE NO. 129/1993) and other instructions issued from time to time. The candidate must read all the instructions of this notification before filling the online application. The community wise breakup, medical category and required educational qualification of vacancies to be filled as indicated below:

Post : Asstt. Loco Pilot

Vacancy : 238

Age limit: –

The upper age limit will be 42 years for General candidates, 45 years for OBC candidates and 47 years for SC/ST candidates as per Railway Board letter No. E (NG)I-2000/PM2/12 dt. 21.08.2001 (RBE No. 165/2001). The age will be reckoned as on 01.07.2023

Pay scale :

G.Pay 1900/- (Level-2)

Assistant. Loco Pilot Qualification & experience :

Matriculation Pass plus A) ITI/Act Apprenticeship passed in trade (i) Fitter (ii) Electrician (iii) Instrument Mechanic (iv) Millwright/Maintenance Mechanic (v) Mechanic (Radio & TV) (vi) Electronics Mechanic (vii) Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) (viii) Wireman (ix) Tractor Mechanic (x) Armature & Coil Winder (xi) Mechanic (Diesel) (xii) Heat Engine. (OR) (B) Diploma in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Automobiles Engineering in lieu of ITI. Candidates with combinations of various stream of trades of Engineering prescribed as above to be considered for employment on the Railways in term of Board’s instructions contained in RBE no 162/2001 dated 20/08/2001 subject to the provisions contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2005/RR-1/8 dated 28/08/2014 and 30/09/2015.
238 Railway Job Opportunities for ITI and Diploma Mechanical Electrical Electronics Automobiles Engineering candidates

238 Railway Job Opportunities for ITI and Diploma Mechanical Electrical Electronics Automobiles Engineering candidates MODE OF APPLICATION:

I. Applications should be registered ONLINE by filling up the required details in the prescribed format at RRC/Jaipur website www.rrcjaipur.in duly following the steps and instructions as mentioned at Para (9) of this Notification carefully. Candidates should enter all the required details in the online application form. Incomplete application shall not be accepted. II. Candidates are required to indicate their personal mobile no. and personal e-mail ID in the online application form and keep them active during the entire recruitment process. III. Candidates are advised in their own interest to register their applications ONLINE well before the closing date and time to avoid hassels like inability/ failure to log on the website. on account of heavy load on the internet or website jam during the last days. (8). RRC/JP will not bear any responsibility if the candidates are not able to register applications ONLINE within the last date/time, for any reason whatsoever.
Note: All Regular Group ‘C’ or Erstwhile Group ‘D’ employees of North Western Railway excluding RPF/RPSF employees fulfilling eligibility criteria may apply
You may find other jobs if not eligible as given in the official notification conditions

Important Dates for Railway Recruitment:

Date & Time of Opening (ONLINE)07.04.2023 10.00 Hrs.
Date & Time of Closing (ONLINE) 06.05.2023 23.59 Hrs.

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