22500 Salary Staff Nurse job Opportunities

22500 Salary Staff Nurse job Opportunities

Medical and Health Department, Prakasam Recruitment 2021
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse

Post :Staff Nurse

Vacancy :03

Age :42 years

Pay Scale :Rs. 22500/-Per Month
22500 Salary Staff Nurse job Opportunities

Staff Nurse Qualification & experience :

GNM Course/B.Sc. Nursing course from A.P. Govt. recognized institution. Must have Registered with Andhra Pradesh Nurses, Midwives Council.

22500 Salary Staff Nurse job Opportunities Selection Process : 


The selection will be  based on Out of a total of 100 marks, 45 marks shall be allotted against the marks obtained in the academic qualification, 45 marks shall be allotted against the marks obtained in Technical qualification and 10 marks for weight age from the date of passing technical examination @ 1 mark per year.
Purely on Merit and following the Rule of Reservation. Candidates are requested to follow district website https://prakasam.ap.gov.in/notice_category/recruitment/ on regular basis as updates will be published about the selection process from time to time.

How to Apply 22500 Salary Staff Nurse job Opportunities:

The applications shall be submitted manually in the O/o. the District Medical & Health Office, Prakasam District, Ongole, GGH, Compound, Ongole along with all the following certificates on or before 04/09/2021 up to 5.P.M.
01. SSC or Equivalent examination marks memo.
02. Intermediate (OR) 10+2 examination/Degree marks memos.
03. Qualifying examination pass certificate.
04. Marks memos of all the years of qualifying examination.
05. Registration and renewal certificates of respective councils.
06. Internship certificates if applicable.
07. Latest caste certificate issued by Tahsildar/MRO concerned.
08. Study certificates for the years IV to X class. In case of private study residence certificate from the Tahsildar/MRO concerned (for the IV to X class study period).
09. Physically handicapped certificate (Issued by SADERAM)
10. Sports certificates if any.
11. Ex-servicemen certificates if any.
12. Previous experience certificates wherever necessary.
13. Other relevant certificates if any.
Enclosure of certificates to the application: The candidate shall produce original documents post declaration of draft merit list in prescribed time and venue which shall be announced in the notice board/district website.
Important Dates for Staff Nurse Recruitment:
Last Date for submission of application 04 September 2021
More details and Other Jobs available at www.nursingwork.in

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