18 Important letters Related to High School Assistant Teachers Examination

The Important Letter formats like Letter to DC, Letter to DG IGP, Letter to JDPI is listed below

1. HSTR Revised Time Table
2. Letter to DC
3. Letter to DG & IGP
4. Letter to JDPI
5. Letter to Tressary Director
6. Letter from DG & IGP
7. Appointment of Observer
8. Appointed Officer to HSTR Examination
9. Appointment of Center Chief
10. Instructions for Confidential Meterial
11. Instructions for HSTR Exam Preparations
12. Appointment of Nodal Officers for HSTR Examination
13. Instructions to Centre Chief regarding HSTR Examination
15. Discussed at a meeting of the factors
16. Remuneration Slab for HSTR Examination
17. Revised Remuneration slab for Case worker & DDPI Driver
18. Route Officers Details

These formats may be useful for letter typing

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