Nurses Competitive Exam Question Answers AIIMS

The Nurses Competitive Exam Question Answers published here are useful for candidates appearing AIIMS Nursing Officer Recruitment Competitive Examination, critical care nursing quuestion answers also available at, the link is provided here for you to easily find many more Multiple choice questions related to Nursing.

Nurses Competitive Exam Question Answers AIIMS- #51-75- Part 3

Question51:-The formation and excretion of urine less than 500 ml in 24 hours is termed as
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question52:-Which is the technique used to dislodge the impacted foreign body from upper respiratory tract to clear the
airway is?
A:-Vasalva manoeuvre
B:-Heimlich manoeuvre
C:-Carotid sinus massage
D:-Vagal manoeuvre
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question53:-The process in which there is continuous scrutiny of factors that determines the occurrence and distribution of
disease is termed as
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question54:-Bluish discolouration of skin and mucous membrane due to poor oxygenation is termed as
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question55:-Which of the following disease is caused only by energy deficiency?
C:-Marasmic Kwashiorkor
D:-Nutritional Marasmus
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question56:-Find out the most heat sensitive vaccine among the following?
Correct Answer:- Option-A

Nurses Competitive Exam Question Answers AIIMS
Question57:-Which among the following deficiency is due to vitamin `B_(5)`?

Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question58:-What is the psychosocial developmental stage of a preschooler?
A:-Initiative Vs Guilt
B:-Industry Vs Inferiority
C:-Trust Vs Mistrust
D:-Autonomy Vs Shame
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question59:-In which year UN adopted the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child”?
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question60:-Identify the reaction of a toddler towards hospitalization?
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question61:-What percentage is the ideal weight gain during adolescence?
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question62:-Which infection in early intrauterine period causes miscarriage?
B:-Varicella Zoster
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question63:-NPAG stands for
A:-National Program for Adolescent Girls
B:-New Program for Adolescent Girls
C:-Nutritional Program for Adolescent Girls
D:-National Program for Adolescent Group
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question64:-At what age birth weight doubles?
A:-24 months
B:-30 months
C:-36 months
D:-48 months
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question65:-The milk which is produced after colostrum is
A:-Preterm Milk
B:-Mature Milk
C:-Transitional Milk
D:-Fore Milk
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question66:-Chest compression ventilation ratio in infant and child CPR with two rescuer is
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question67:-What is the typical play for a schooler?

A:-Associative play
B:-Co-operative Play
C:-Parallel Play
D:-Unoccupied play
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question68:-Normal weight gain in single torn pregnancy in an average Indian women?
A:-15 kg.
B:-20 kg.
C:-9 kg.
D:-11 kg.
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question69:-WHO recommendation of iron and folic acid for pregnant woman is
A:-Elemental iron 60mg and 0.4 mg folic acid per day
B:-Elemental iron 100 mg and 0.6mg of folic acid per day
C:-Elemental iron 100 mg and 100mg of folic acid per day
D:-Elemental iron 30 mg and 0.3 mg of folic acid per day
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question70:-Which one is a cause of physiological anaemia in pregnancy
A:-Poor iron intake
D:-Blood loss
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question71:-Absence of spermatozoa is semen is called
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question72:-Basal body temperature is increased by ……….. °F at the time of ovulation
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question73:-The fetal part which lies at the pelvic brim is called
Correct Answer:- Option-C (Repeated Question AIIMS Nursing Officer Exam)
Question74:-Contraction without regularity, rhythm and progressive lengthening in duration is known as
B:-Braxton hicks contraction
C:-Axis pressure contraction
D:-Continues contraction
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question75:-Average number of cotyledons in a fully matured placenta is
Correct Answer:- Option-A

Nurses Competitive Exam Questions- #76- Part 4

Question76:-Menopause belongs to which type of amenorrhoea
A:-Primary amenorrhoea
C:-Secondary amenorrhoea
Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question77:-When umbilical cord inserted to membrane some distance from placental edge is called
A:-Battledore placenta
B:-Circumvillate placenta
C:-Bipirate placenta
D:-Valementous placenta
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question78:-Pregnant endometrium is called
C:-Secreatory endometrium
D:-Proliferative endometrium
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question79:-How many vertebras are fused to form Cocyx
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question80:-The narrow space of uterus between the cavity and cervix which forms the lower uterine segment during
pregnancy is
A:-Neck of uterus
B:-Corpus of uterus
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question81:-Anti D vaccines given at which weeks of gestation
A:-24 weeks
B:-30 weeks
C:-36 weeks
D:-28 weeks
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question82:-Golden colour amniotic fluid is an indication of
A:-Fetal distress
B:-Obstructed labour
C:-Rh incompatability
D:-Large baby
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question83:-All of the following conditions may cause cord prolapse except one
B:-Engagement of head
C:-Breech presentation
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question84:-A neonate should void at birth or within …………….. hours following birth
A:-48 hours
B:-72 hours
C:-12 hours
D:-24 hours
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question85:-Bluish black skin present on skin of new born usually over the sacral area is
C:-Navy spots
D:-Mongolian spots
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question86:-Which one is not an indication of fetal well being
A:-Increase in maternal weight and uterine size according to gestational age
B:-Fetal movements appreciated by mother follows a regular pattern throughout pregnancy
C:-Increase in fetal kicks with increase in gestational age

D:-Fetal heart rate between 110-160 beats per minute
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question87:-Hard, swollen and painful breast with stasis of milk is an indication of
A:-Breast Engorgement
C:-Breast abscess
D:-Breast infection
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question88:-Name the condition when uterus fails to contract in order to compress blood vessals and control bleeding.
A:-Inversion of uterus
B:-Cricket ball uterus
C:-Atonic uterus
D:-Hypotonic uterus
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question89:-Swelling due to collection of fluid in the layers beneath the scalp is called
A:-Cephal heamatoma
B:-caput succedaneum
C:-subgaleal hematoma
D:-subdural hamatoma
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question90:-The largest antero-posterior diameter in a fetal skull is
A:-Biparietal diameter
B:-Occipito mental diameter
C:-Suboccipito bregmatic diameter
D:-mento vertical diameter
Correct Answer:- Option-D (Repeated Question AIIMS Nursing Officer Exam)
Question91:-normal pregnancy period in human being is
A:-250 days
B:-270 days
C:-280 days
D:-300 days
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question92:-Signs of placental separation are the following except
A:-Rise of temperature
B:-Lengthening of umbilical cord at vulva
D:-Gush of blood
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question93:-The first pill of oral contraceptives starts on which day after starting of menstruation
A:-1st day
B:-3rd day
C:-5th day
D:-7th day
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question94:-Which one is not a natural method of contraception
A:-Basal body temperature monitoring
B:-Safe period
C:-Rhythm method
D:-Foam tablets
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question95:-The institution provides primary health care at grass root level in the community
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question96:-Pulse Polio Immunization Programme was launched in India..

Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question97:-The theme of World Health Day 2019
A:-Health for All
B:-Blood save lives
C:-Universal health coverage, everyone, everywhere
D:-Make hospitals safe in emergencies
Correct Answer:- Option-C (Repeated Question AIIMS Nursing Officer Exam)
Question98:-The organizer for activities of PHC.
A:-Medical officer
B:-Health Superviser
C:-Public health nurse
D:-Health inspector
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question99:-A note book carried by a health worker during home visit and the information written in the proper record on
return to health centre.
A:-Incidental report
B:-Family folder
C:-Village record
D:-Daily diary
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question100:-A new initiative for child health screening and early intervention for birth defects, disease, deficiency and
developmental delays.
Correct Answer:- Option-B

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Question No. 1.    The typical pain in lumbar intervertibral disc herniation which radiates to the hip and down to the leg is known as
(a)    Angina
(b)    Impringent syndrome
(c)    Pesplanus
(d)    Sciatica

Answer available at the bottom of this post
Question No. 2.    Normal level of serum uric acid is
(a)    2.5 – 8 mg/dL    (b)    2 -3 mg/dL
(c)    9 – 11 mg/dL    (d)    4.5 – 5.5 mg/dL

Question No. 1.    The typical pain in lumbar intervertibral disc herniation which radiates to the hip and down to the leg is known as
(a)    Angina
(b)    Impringent syndrome
(c)    Pesplanus
(d)    Sciatica

Answer available at the bottom of this post...

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