70 ITI Job Vacancies in Telangana
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI)
Government of Telangana
Advt. No. : MDN/APR/2021/1
Invites applications for the post of Trade (
ITI) Apprentice
Trade Apprentices job description:
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI) department under Government of  Telangana recruiting Trade (ITI) Apprentice in the month of October 2021.They are 70 Trade (ITI) Apprentice Vacancy. The application can apply before 13/11/2021 .The minimum qualification required for the Trade (ITI) Apprentice post is ITI Pass and the Selection will be based on the percentage of marks obtained in the 10th & ITI.
Post : Trade (ITI) Apprentice
Vacancy :Machinist 20
Welder (G&E) 30
Age :As per Apprenticeship Rules
Pay scale :Rs.7700 – 8050/- (Per Month)
Trade (ITI) Apprentice Qualification & experience :
10th passed and
ITI in relevant Trade form recognized by NCVT.
Trade (ITI) Apprentice Selection Process
The Selection will be based on the percentage of marks obtained in the 10th &
Note : Interested Candidates may apply in prescribed application form along with self attested all required document send to Deputy Manager (TIS & Apprenticeship Training), Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad – 500058 on or before 13.11.2021. Candidates may register first Apprenticeship Portal www.apprenticeshipindia.org.
Important Dates for Trade (ITI) Apprentice Recruitment:Â
Last Date for Submission Of Application form  13 November 2021
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