20 Engineering Vacancies in ITI Limited

20 Engineering Vacancies in ITI Limited

ITI Limited
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

ITI Limited, the Country’s multi-unit Central Public Sector Undertaking under the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications is one of the country’s leading total solutions provider in telecommunications. The company has vast expertise and experience of manufacturing legacy as well as new generation telecom products. The company has also diversified in the manufacture of Solar Panels, Smart Cards, 3D printing etc. Besides manufacturing, company also offers the latest telecom solutions and customized support to a variety of business including testing facilities (EMI/EMC, Safety, Security, SAR) at its Bengaluru unit. ITI has a dedicated Network Systems Unit for carrying out installation and commissioning of equipment and undertaking turnkey jobs. The company has set up state of the art data centre at Bangalore. In line with the prevailing technology trend ITI has plans to make strides in the emerging Technology areas like 5G, IoT, M2M, AI etc. The Company is looking for creative and talented Officers for the following positions: Appointment will be on tenure basis for a period of 5 years. Likely to be extended subject to the requirement of the organisation and performance of the Officer.

AEE (Grade 2)

Vacancies: 03

Mandatory Qualification:

BE/B.Tech in Civil Engineering from a recognised University / Institute with 60% of marks for General / OBC and 58% of marks for SC/ST/PWD. Post Qualification executive experience of minimum 02 years for Officer level in the relevant area (Civil Infra for telecommunications) in a large Industrial / Govt. / Private organization Below 30 years for Officer (Grade 2). Upper age limit will be relaxable for OBC candidates (NonCreamy layer)/ SC/ST/ Physically Challenged and Ex. Defence Service personnel as per Rules

20 Engineering Vacancies in ITI Limited

AEE (Grade 2)

Vacancies: 09

Mandatory Qualification:

BE/B.Tech in E&C/ Electronics/Telecommunication/ Computer Science/ Information Technology from a recognised University / Institute with 60% of marks for General / OBC and 58% of marks for SC/ST/PWD. Post Qualification executive experience of minimum 02 years in the relevant area (Communication, IT, IOT, AI Cyber Security etc) in a large Industrial / Govt. / Private organization Below 30 years for Officer (Grade 2). Upper age limit will be relaxable for OBC candidates (NonCreamy layer)/SC/ST/ Physically Challenged and Ex. Defence Service personnel as per Rules

Dy. Manager/ Manager (Grade 4/5)

Vacancies: 08

Mandatory Qualification:

BE/B.Tech in E&C/ Electronics/Telecommunication from a recognised University / Institute with 60% of marks for General / OBC and 58% of marks for SC/ST/PWD. Post Qualification executive experience of minimum 06 years for Dy. Manager and 09 years for Manager in the relevant area (3G/4G with knowledge of project implementation of telecom equipments such as RAN,Core, Microwave, RF ) in a large Industrial / Govt. / Private organization Below 40 years for Dy Manager, 42 years for Manager. Upper age limit will be relaxable for OBC candidates (Non-Creamy layer)/ SC/ST/ Physically Challenged and Ex. Defence Service personnel as per Rules


Experience in Mobile Network deployment- preferably in 4G Technology and knowledge in RF ï‚· Knowledge of SACFA ( Standing advisory committee for frequency allocation) and WPC ï‚· Expertise working in telecom industry ï‚· Operational knowledge of signal systems and technology ï‚· Knowledge of fibre optic and ACCESS Networks ï‚· To plan and execute active roll out of Core Network along with the elements such as MME, EPC, HSS, SGW. ï‚· Good understanding of the Core Architecture and experience in the deployment of the CORE Network for any Operators. ï‚· Knowledge of the Routers, Switches and integration with the existing IP/MPLS Network ï‚· Responsible for the deployment of new technologies, swapping and upgradations of the existing technologies, redeployment of recovered equipment and infrastructure sharing with Telecom infra providers for network roll out. ï‚· Integration and commissioning of the RAN and TX Node ï‚· Delivered design and implementation of RAN and Microwave. ï‚· Understanding technical aspects of Telecom Tower building. ï‚· Testing antennas, COX and fiber optic cables


Total emoluments at Rs. 72717 (Basic+DA+HRA) at the minimum of the Pay Scale of Rs.14500-350-18700 (pre-revised), plus CCA and other allowances and perks as per the Company’s prevailing rules.

DY MANAGER (Gr.4): Total emoluments at Rs. 65195 (Basic+DA+HRA) at the minimum of the Pay Scale of Rs.13000-350-18250 (pre-revised), plus CCA and other allowances and perks as per the Company’s prevailing rules.

AEE (OFFICER Gr.2) : Total emoluments at Rs. 43129 (Basic+DA+HRA) at the minimum of the Pay Scale of Rs.8600-250-14600 (pre-revised), plus CCA and other allowances and perks as per the Company’s prevailing rules.


Statutory benefits viz., Provident Fund / Gratuity as per relevant Rules / Act.  Medical facility, subsidized Canteen  Magazine allowance  Company residential quarters subject to availability, in which case HRA is not admissible.  30 days earned leave and 12 days’ casual leave per annum as per Company rules  Group Insurance coverage.  Reimbursement of membership fee for professional bodies and other perks / allowances as per company’s Rules.  Present variable dearness allowance @371.5% of Basic Pay and applicable HRA

Other Branch Engineering Vacancies with Good Salary Click here 


Important Dates for Recruitment:   
In addition to submission of online application, the candidates are requested to submit hardcopies of application along with required documents as per the list below in the following address. Without hard copies of application with relevant documents candidates will not be included in the shortlist. Last date for submission of on line application is on 11.11.2021 and receipt of hard copies of application along with copies of certificates is on 15.11.2021. No application fee required. GENERAL MANAGER-HR ITI LIMITED, REGD & CORPORATE OFFICE ITI BHAVAN, DOORAVANI NAGAR, BENGALURU – 560016

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