2 Lakh Salary Engineering Job Vacancies

2 Lakh Salary Engineering Job Vacancies

The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW)
Government of Delhi
Invites applications for the post of Manager / Senior Technical Project Manager

Manager / Senior Technical Project Manager job description:

The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) department under Government of  Delhi recruiting Manager / Senior Technical Project Manager in the month of December 2021.They are 01  Manager / Senior Technical Project Manager vacancy.The application can submit before 31/12/2021. The minimum qualification required for the Manager / Senior Technical Project Manager post is MBA/B.E. / B-Tech in Computer Science / IT /Electronics and communications / MCA and The Selection will be based on Document Verification/Interview.

Post :Manager / Senior Technical Project Manager

Vacancy :01
Age  :45 Years
Pay scale :Rs.2,00,000/-

Manager / Senior Technical Project Manager Qualification & experience :

MBA from Govt. recognized university.
B.E. / B-Tech in Computer Science / IT /Electronics and communications / MCA from Govt. recognized university.
 Minimum 10 years of total experience.
 Should have more than 5 years of experience in Project Management
2 Lakh Salary Engineering Job Vacancies Selection Process :  
The Selection will be based on Document Verification/Interview.
2 Lakh Salary Engineering Job Vacancies
Note :An application duly filled in all respect is to be submitted online to the email id @ chivacancy@nihfw.org latest by 31/12/2021upto 5.00 p.m. and the self-attested copy of the same has to be produced at the time of interview.
ï‚· Applications must be submitted in the attached format only.
ï‚· Applications must be duly supported by self-attested documents related to age, educational qualifications and experience etc.
 The candidates are required to submit their application with a subject “Application for the post of ………. (On Contract basis)”.
ï‚· The Remuneration is negotiable based on the last pay of the candidates but only up to 20% increase of the last pay subject to the ceiling which has been approved for that specific post.
ï‚· Applications received in the format other than as attached and without supported documents will not be considered and shall be rejected summarily.
 The candidature of finally selected candidate’s will be provisional and subject to verification of original documents.
ï‚· The NIHFW reserves the right to either fill up the posts, or not, without assigning any reason.
ï‚· The application and self-attested copies of certificates so submitted at the time of verification will not be returned to candidates.
ï‚· Candidates must ensure that he/she fulfils the requisite essential qualifications, experience and age etc. on the date of submission of filled application form.
ï‚· Without original certificates, the candidates will not be considered for appointment. In all cases the decision of this Institute shall be treated as final.
ï‚· Canvassing of any form will render candidate as disqualified.

Important Dates for  Manager / Senior Technical Project Manager Recruitment:    

Last date for submission of application  31 December 2021

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