1430 MBBS Doctor Job Opportunities

1430 MBBS Doctor Job Opportunities

Bihar Health
Government of Bihar
Advt No. : 01/2021
Invites applications for the post of Junior Resident

Junior Resident job description:

Bihar Health department under the Government of Bihar recruiting Junior Resident in the month of May 2021 .They are 1430 Junior Resident vacancies.The application can submit before 24/05/2021. The minimum qualification required for the Junior Resident post is MBBS and the Selection will be based on  Education Qualification Merit & Experience.

Post :Junior Resident

Vacancy: 1430
Age :37 years (Male)
         40 years  (Female)
Pay Scale :Rs 65000/- (Per Month)
1430 MBBS Doctor Job Opportunities

Junior Resident Qualification & experience :

MBBS from recognized University/MCI.
Junior Resident Selection Process :    
Selection will be based on Education Qualification Merit & Experience.

Official Notification and more details

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